TOP 8 @ BD Cosmos (Montreal Regional) 07/2016 – Lanni Wolf

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BillyDooku 110

TOP 8 @ BD Cosmos (Montreal Regional) 07/2016 – Lanni Wolf

Tested a bit with Lanni Dragon but felt that when it’s kill didn’t go off it wasn’t doing enough so I turned to the Wolf Banner. It is better to get a PttS through and the plan B of power rushing with Eddard is a very viable game plan.

43 players at the tournament, so we played 6 rounds with a cut to top 8.

Big props to the Brotherhood without Manners boys (James but mostly Joe) whom I reached out to and they gladly helped to refine my list. Making changes mostly to the plot deck as my first draft was lacking in economy. 2x Noble Cause worked well all day and I didn’t feel I needed Trading.

Also props to my long time buddy Daniel Meilleur (Dan Solo) for putting a lot of time in testing and tweaking and discussing both of our decks in the last couple of weeks. Hard work paid off as we both placed into the top 8 (him as King of Swiss).

Round 1 (SC Bye) 1-0

Round 2 vs Greyjoy Fealty (Patrick) Win 2-0

His setup was weak to First Snow with 3 low cost character, he marshalled only Balon on turn one. I managed to Tears him and Treachery the Iron Mine meant to save him. First Snow cleared his board on turn two and it was basically over from there.

Round 3 vs Lanni Dragon (Rob St-John) Loss 2-1

I felt pretty good after our turn one marshalling where his board had Gregor, Illyrio and Lanni reducer vs my board of Tywin, Tyrion, Pycelle and Red Cloaks. I couldn’t win the military vs Gregor but I had a Treachery in hand in case he hit something good. I went intrigue with Tyrion and he Treacheried his trigger to protect Gregor from Tears of Lys (I had no gold left). Bummer... I then go on power with Pycelle wich draws me... Tyrion! Great, dodged the Gregor Bullet.

Well not exactly... he hit Tywin off of the Pillage and the game just went downhill from there. Well played Rob.

Round 4 vs Bara Fealty (Félix A.) Win 3-1

Milked Melisandre turn one, Milked Syrio turn 2 and PttS his newly Marshalled Stannis, PttS Gendry on turn three. Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty and props to Félix for keeping his cool.

Round 5 vs Martell Lion (Carl D.) Win 4-1

Our long awaited first clash. Carl is a good player from our local meta, he won the SC a couple of months ago in that same shop. The winner was probably gonna make the cut so the stakes were high.

Long story short, he spent 6 turns playing beautifully around my PttS using every trick in the Martell book. On turn 6 he went with First Snow against my Noble Cause and let me go first with 3 power left to grab. I marshalled Fast Eddy who closed it out in a power challenge with Tyrion. He had Ghaston Grey but I had a Treachery.

Round 6 vs Greyjoy Fealty (Phil P.) ID 4-1-1

We both were 100% sure to make the cut with an ID so we took it. End of it.

Top 8 vs Lannister Wolf (John Gobeil)

Mirror match! Story of the game is I went first on turn one, marshalled Tywin and milked his Tyrion. He then Milked my Tywin and marshalled his own. I used Confiscation turn two to free Tywin and let him go first so he proceeds to Milk Tywin and Arya. Can’t wait to see this one on camera, I might have done a couple of things differently but in the end, his huge Tywin wasn’t letting me get anything through.

End of it. Congrats to John for taking down the whole thing in a tough field. Thanks to Julien V. our TO for a well ran tournament.

See you at Nationals in september guys.

10 comentarios

DanSolo 79

Cool Report Buddy! Hope this is the beginning of lots of successful events for our play group! I'm also happy neither of us had to take the other out!

Ryaxs 154

Grats on beating me so hard and making top 8 :P As the guy who ended in 10th place I'm still super sour about all the IDs that happened though. Good riddance to that rule.

Wigg 112

John Gobeil here. Congrats on your top 8 finish :) it was nice to meet you!

BillyDooku 110

@Ryaxs I understand your point of view, the thing is if I chose to play the last round and then lose I will end up below people who took an ID. When they are part of the rules you have to use them.

BillyDooku 110

@Wigg Thanks John! I can say the same. Great game, good times. Next time it is us who will be the visiting team.

Ryaxs 154

Not saying you're bad for using the rule, just saying the rule is bad :P

BillyDooku 110

@Ryaxs And the rule is gone!

Ryaxs 154

6 more days!


What would you say is better, your list or John's that won the event? Your plot deck is closer to what I like to play, plus you have a few card choices in the draw deck that I really like. Only card I would wonder about is red cloaks - sometimes they can be good, but I like them a lot less in a first snow deck. Would you change them (or anything else)?

BillyDooku 110

@YEEZUS To be fair John's draw deck and mine are quite similar. Is plot deck altough was quite unexpected and it worked out great for him. I chose to keep First Snow in because my goal was to make the cut and get that sweet playmat (it was my only Regional). Once you get in the cut, decks are better equiped to deal with it and Wildfire works better.

Wouldnt change much, the 2nd Widow's Wail was a last minute throw in expecting to face GJ a lot. Probably would go back to a 2nd Rattleshirt instead of the 2nd Red Cloaks.