House Tyrell, Fealty

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Calmdown 1

Basic Deck Premises:

Strong economy thanks to Arbor and Paxter helps pay for expensive stuff.

Strong card draw to make use of the economy, plus lots of 3x chars + card draw = some kill protection in what could be (from my reading of it) a "kill meta".

KoF/Joust+Mare+Power Boost abilities+events = easy big challenge wins that let you pull off big power grabs

"QoT Bomb" = the deck is pure Tyrell, so QoT (especially with informants), and helped by jousts and power boosts, mean you can get a lot of free stuff, helping your econ further.

Strong, consistent and repeatable stand via Horas and Randyll.

Joust makes challenges hard for many decks especially vs your boost effects. 2 jousts can soft-lock the board in the right conditions.

General comments:

Too many characters are non-setup and should be considered as "events" (Informant, House Florent Knight). I also like Hobber Redwyne for the extra lady/lady dupe search, maybe he should make the cut again, or maybe at least 1 of the dupe-lady. The ladies are vulnerable whilst there's only two of them available to play in pure Tyrell.

Lord of the Crossing could be fealty (-1 kingsroad, +1 tyrell reducer). I think despite low loyal-count fealty is arguably playable even if it's just to smooth getting Queen of Thorns into play. Obviously gets better if Cunning count is upped, too. LotC is good for even more power bursts and combo with Randyll, though. Requires playtesting most likely.

Not sure if Support of the People package is worth it, but since we're aiming to win unopposed/high margin challenges anyway, searching for street or iron throne for pseudo +1 power that turn with recurring value seems good. Also searching for and immediately reacting with Mander seems good. This deck has great economy from Arbor, economy is semi-pointless without cards, so Mander is good. On a similar note I dont like Pleasure Barge but it seems like a necessary evil as Counting Coppers seems to defeat the object of having strong economy and limits your Joust lockdown.

Setups seem clunky with this deck, but looking at comparative "tournament level" decks I seem to run more 2-3 drops than most people so maybe setups are not generally as good as I think mine should be anyway. I feel like I could do with more in the 4-drop slot but Tyrell dont really have anything right now.

Event package: Feel like I need to get more power events in, they should be all or nothing, but I'm trying to "rush" whilst keeping solid board presence and resilience. Cunning - If they let you cunning for an event, you can immediately react with rose/claim; in an ideal world you just want to rose/claim every challenge so more rose/claims are good but not sure how viable this is and what to take out to fit more, given a lot of our characters are really "events" themselves. If they make you cunning for non-event, then cunning is just copy #4 of Mare in Heat, and more mares is good.


Noble Cause is a great turn one with most openings.

Jousting Contest is not only an enabler, but also a handicap for enemy decks - in theory. Not sure if this is just bad theory. It feels like this is the default turn 2+3 plot.

Tourney for the King is in theory a great finisher. Whether in practice a Claim2 finisher would be better is another thing.

Plots get a bit hazy after this and I'm not sure what should be here.

Marched to the Wall just because it seems like it can auto win games against bad setups and free wins are good.

Building Orders for searching up Arbor on T1 if you don't set it up. Not sure if the tempo hit from doing this will ever be viable in reality (and whilst we're on the subject, not sure if Arbor itself is ever viable in reality outside of setup; needs testing)

Wildfire Assault as a generic good card. Not sure it's really needed given 2x Joust will fuck a flood up bad anyway. Sure there's something better that can go here. Could be Pulling the Strings for flexibility.


Don't know the meta well enough, but my first thought is that we'd probably get eaten by Greyjoy power rush because they do what we do but better. They don't care about Joust as much, they have recurring targeted kill which we hate.

Not sure about other matchups yet.

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