Kneel & Run- UK Nationals - 4th out of 107, Top 16

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Derivado de
Kings of Sea and Storm: 2nd Place Glasgow Regionals 7.30.16 8 5 3 2.0
Inspiración para
Kneel & Run- UK National - Adaptation 0 0 0 1.0

vexien 735

Quick Match Breakdown

Round 1 - Win vs Greyjoy Crossing - Isian Hasmuja

Round 2 - Win vs Nights Watch Lion - Tom Baranaby-Pass

Round 3 - Win vs Stark Fealty - David Kennedy

Round 4 - Win vs Lannister Dragon - John Bamford

Round 5 - Win vs Baratheon Rose - Darren Higgins

Round 6 - Loss vs Martell Rose - James Harrison

Top 16 - Loss vs Baratheon Fealty - Tom Smith

More Info

Right away, I must say this list was completely inspired (and mostly taken) from mattastrophic's list he has posted twice now with great results on both sides of the atlantic! His list can be found here.

After seeing the list go up the first time, I was really intrigued by the idea, so I took it down to my local game store and proceeded to have my trading naval'd turn one and got smashed. Thus I deemed it worst deck in the world and put it to one side. Then it appeared again from the Glasgow regional, and I regained my senses that one game does not make a deck, so decided I would sit down and give it a proper chance.

Turns out, its a great combination and was exactly the sort of deck I was after for nationals. The strategy I opted for was try to keep a pretty thin board on both sides, kneel something with the bara cards and stealth the rest with the greyjoy cards. If Robert was out, then id often get to kneel again, and have little retaliation other than that I was comfortable with. The other big worry I always used to have with bara was there ability to survive martells poison onslaught, which Iron Mines, Ser Barristan Selmy, and a ton of text blanking deals with.

I messed around with the plot choices a bit to try and find what worked for me, and pushed it up to a controversial 62 cards (I wanted the Newly-Made Lord, who won me a game). I went 5-1 on the day placing 4th, losing the top spot in a very tough but enjoyable game. I then lost in the first round of the cut to a Bara fealty deck who saw all of his characters and kneel before I could stop him. Congratulations to my fellow Southron Bannermen Ryan Wood on clinching the whole thing. A big thanks to Liam Hall for running a great event, and everyone who was around over the course of the weekend

Videos of my round 5 and 6 games will be posted here in the coming weeks. More indepth match details will be available on episode 4 of the Southron Bannermen.

9 comentarios

mattastrophic 719


How did the Vanguard Lancers work out for you?

vexien 735

@mattastrophic Thanks! They did their fair share of work. I opted for them over bastard in hiding as I felt I got more out of there effect than the extra 1 str. Basic thought was 'If i can't have your power, neither can you'.

OKTarg 33

Just wondering if you think Captain's Daughter is a decent shout to keep the board small or if the tempo hit you take isn't worth it in the deck?

vexien 735

@OKTarg I was considering one over the newly made lord but it didn't make my final list. It has its benefits but i feel you have enough answers to what is on the board without losing one of your own chars.

cockbongo 1

Well done mate, 4th place is amazing work. I played an almost identical deck (maybe 3 cards difference) that day and only ended up going 3-3 thanks to being smashed repeatedly by Targ-Lion decks. Not a lot I could do going second against 2 Mil challenges and 2 targeted kills per round. I still think Bara-Kraken is a great deck, i just had some terrible luck. Good on ya.

vexien 735

@cockbongoThanks! Sadly the pairings can sometimes be quite harsh. I managed to get quite varied games, only playing one faction twice. I had minimal practice against Targ/dragon decks as no one seemed to be playing them on OCTGN so glad I only saw the one.

cockbongo 1

I played 4 Targs. Four. I thought I'd been cursed.

mattastrophic 719

I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Bongo. Targaryen/Lion is, in my experience, Baratheon's worst matchup. I faced that deck all through Store Championships, and it was always rough. I originally had Close Call in there because of matches like that, because Crown of Gold on Melisandre is such a setback.

cockbongo 1

Oh i ran Close Call alright and i'm glad i did - i wouldn't have even made it to 3-3 without it! Had her Crown-ed in game 2 without another copy in my hand - played Close Call and top decked her with the draw from the plot...

Still lost that game.