Baratheon Dominance and Power (Current Meta)

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16thoward 22

The Baratheons attempt to keep the peace of Westeros with their dominace and power tactics. Seated on the Iron Throne, King Robert is a threat to everyone with his intimidate keyword threatening to kneel any who attempt to challenge him. With cards like Lightbringer and Ours is the Fury, King Robert can stand back up at a whim to deal twice the amount of his wrath. The bread and butter of this deck is its "Dream Team" of location cards. With 3 copies of the Iron Throne card it is nearly impossible to lose it as well as 2 copies of Chamber of the Painted Table. These two work to gain power each turn and to steal power from your opponent all by winning dominace. If these cards are tossed away by an intrigue challenge, have no fear! Your Support of the People card allows you to search your deck for a location card and put it into to play, all by winning a power challenge by 5 or more strength, which should be easy given your arsenal. Stannis Baratheon, Robery Baratheon and Melisandre all allow you to win dominance time and time again, while Gendry and White Raven along allow you to reap benefits. Losing intrigue challenges are never an issue as Selyse Baratheon is good insurance for characters without intrigue icons to protect them from Tears of Lys and Tyene Sand, while The Reed Keep and Tobho Mott's Armory allows for to draw up to 5 cards a turn(2 from Keep, 1 from Armory, and 2 per draw phase). Economy is steady with cards like The Roseroad, The Stone Drum, reducers, A Summer Harvest, and Trading with the Pentoshi giving constant or situational support. Lastly, conditions like Milk of the Poppy, Ward, Craven and Frozen solid can be taken off by Maseter Cressen, whom can be called upon at a whim by the Here to Serve plot card, while is predecessor Maester Pylos can make an appearance if Cressen is discarded, killed, or already on the field. Have fun Storming the Castle!

3 comentarios

SerArthur 39

Just curious why you went with Summer over fealty given there's only two summer plots?

16thoward 22

I like playing Kings of Summer over fealty in this type of deck because of the low reserve value for some plots(feast, and trading) so the reserve boost is welcomed. The possibility of drawing a max of 5 cards per turn needs some reserve boost. Also I only have a few summer plots because of the necessity of feast, here to serve and wildfire. Even if you were to play a non summer plot the plus one for stone drum with Kingdom plots will help you gain the same amount as summer. Lastly if you were to ever come across a Kings of Winter deck, with stone drum and summer, you can counteract the gold reduction as well as reserve reduction while fealty does not

16thoward 22

I'm going to try out fealty for a while, thanks for the suggestion!