Undefeated Singapore National Champion/ Stark Fealty

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Singapore Regional GR champion 6 6 0 2.0
Inspiración para
Testing 123 0 0 0 4.0

Chaick 324

This is the deck that i have piloted during the siege of meeren and it was undefeated in swiss during that time and it crash in top 8 due to bad draws.

I decided to bring the same deck to Singapore National as the new CP is not legal yet and it is the most stable deck that i have build.

The deck is very versatile with answer for most deck type.

The deck was undefeated throughout the Singapore National.

Records for the tournament (i will just go with some highlight of the tourney):

Round 1: Bye

Round 2: Against Jeric who is piloting stark featly as well but totally different build with King Robb, wolves of the north etc. He set up with Donella Hornwood but she eat 1 milk of poppy and even after jeric play confiscation to remove the milk, i play another on her to ensure his economy is weak.

I overpower him with better economy and flood the board against him.

Round 3: Against Martin who is piloting a night watch banner lion. He did not manage to see his wall out and my deck is too fast in the power rush game against him.

Round 4: Against Chun Yong (CY) who is piloting stark fealty. He was playing the stark fealty monster deck that have 40+ character in the deck. both of us have decent set up and we traded blows. however 2 key mistake cause Chun Yong the game. He have Rattleshirt's riders in play and i have ice on my character. He did not commit his rattleshirt's rider in a attack which will force me to defend against it and 2 mistake was that he did not use his warden of the north ability to oppose my military challenge against him and i manage to trigger ice and kill off his king's Robb host which was his biggest character in play. His game went downhill from there.

Round 5: against Derek who is piloting Lannister targ. He set up with Ser Ilyn Payne which is a pain the in ass as i have tons of small dude in hand and double bran in hand too. i set up with hodor sansa and 2 winterfell. No surprise who die first. I manage to get robb out and oppose his board state. He marshal Pyromancers and knock off 1 winterfell. I play a time of wolves and search out greywind as a counter. Since my Robb is still in play, lets say good bye to Pyromancers. I did not manage to get rid of payne the whole time but i keep playing small character to ensure it is kneel so i have 1 less character to worry about during challenge phase. Manage to get my big guys out and close the game with renown character.

5-0 in swiss and off to top 8.

To be honest, i am pretty stress at this moment as i am terrified of the Swiss curse and i was afraid what happen in siege of meeren happen again.

Top 8 match up: Kenn from malaysia piloting Greyjoy banner of the stag This is the closest game i have all day. I am on the back end due to his great set up. dupe asha and dupe balon. The game changer was after he play his wildfire during plot 4. All i have on board was robb, Eddard, Catelyn and a dupe blackfish. He have balon, asha and 1 more character (which i cannot remember). I am unable to stop his military challenge as Eddard is stealth and i lose Robb due to seastone chair. I know he will play rise of the kraken next turn so i play warden of the north as a counter. I manage to flood the board with character and hold off his attack. he is at 13 power to my 10. he play weapon at the door next and i play the long winter. He choose to go first. I manage to top deck to my winterfell increasing all my character by 1. he only have 2 stealth character and did not have enough stealth to bypass my 5 str character which include Eddard, blackfish, greywind, hodor and catelyn for balon to work. he did a power challenge and i defended with HODOR!. losing the challenge and he is at 14 power. I swing back and win the game.


Top 4 against my fellow steel teammate Ben who is piloting his Targ KOW deck. We both know each other deck inside out and this is really a game of who have the better hand. My game play for his match was quite simple. Withstand his 2 claim onslaught while power rushing him.

I set up with eddard attached with lady and winterfell steward. he set up with Jhogo with Attached Green Dreams Merchant Prince with Beggar King and Dupe beggar king. we go exchanging blow and murder both our board. I manage to see my 2 milk and 2 ice and get rid of his Jhogo and dargo. In later part of the game, he does not have much power icon on board and i just went for power rush against him.

Final!!! Finally i make it to top 2 and i face Chun Yong (CY) who i already face in swiss. He is the one who knock me out from top 8 at siege of meeren.

I thank Chewy for the live commentary from facebook so i will just cut and paste the round by round below. CK will be me and CY will be Chun Yong.

CK sets up Sansa (WOTN), Bran Stark, Tumblestonr with Lady attached and a Kingsroad. CY sets up Bran, Robb Stark (Core) duped and a Heart Tree Grove.

1st plot. CK opens with Noble Cause. CY opens with Calm, naming Intrigue. CK goes first. Marshalls a dupe on Sansa, a Kingsroad, Robb (core), a Winterfell steward and a duped fast Eddard (WOTN). One gold remains.

CY marshalls his own fast Eddy, and dupes him as well. No gold remains, but house card standing.

CK swings first with Intrigue, unopposed. No claim. Next is Military for 11 STR with Robb and fast Eddie. Opposed with both Robb and Fast Eddie for 11 from CY. Winterfell steward dies for claim, triggering stand from Robb. Lastly a power challenge for 1STR from CK, opposed with both Robb and Fast Eddie. Gains a ton of renown. Passes challenge. CK wins dom. Pays 1 gold to move Lady to fast Eddie.

CK at 5 POW. CY at 3 POW.

2nd plot: CK flips a time for wolves while CY flips Calling the Banners. CY names himself first player. CK searches for Grey Wind and into hand it goes.

CY marshalls Donella, Winterfell and Catelyn (core). No gold remain and house card knelt.

CK marshalls Grey Wind. One gold remain. House card knelt.

Challenges: CY swings first with intrigue using Donella. CK defends with Sansa, pays one gold to move Lady to Sansa, standing her and winning on defense. CY passes challenge.

CK hits back with a military of 13 STR using Robb, Fast Eddie and Tumblestone knight, CY defends with his Robb and Fast Eddie, killing Donella for claim and standing Everyone. CK pushes for intrigue with Sansa for 6 STR, CY opposes with Catelyn and loses Syrio for claim from hand. CK murders his own steward with Grey Wind, standing his entire board. Then used Grey Wind to murder CY's Bran. CK finishes off with a power challenge with 13 STR, from Robb, fast Eddie and Tumblestone. CY triggers Winterfell. Defends with Robb. And loses.

CY wins dom

CK is at 10 Pow. CY is at 4 Pow.

3rd plot. CK reveals Marched to the Wall, marching his tumblestone knight, while CY marches core Cat. CY reveals Calling the Banner. Gains 5 gold.

CK goes first. Marshalling Core Arya, triggers her dupe. Then attaches a Nymeria to Fast Eddie. No gold remains. House card standing.

CY marshalls his own Core Arya. Triggers her dupe. Then plays Jon Snow and dupes him.

Challenges. CK starts off with Military of 13 STR with Robb, Fast Eddie and Arya stealthing the other Eddard. CY chooses to defend with Robb, Arya and Jon Snow, with 14 STR. CK surprises with Arya's gift. Moving lady over to fast Eddie. Winning the challenge. He's now at 13 power. CY discards Jon Snow's dupe for claim. CK then uses Sansa for intrigue, unopposed. Then uses Grey Wind to murder his own Bran Stark, standing everyone. CY concedes at this point.

I won the Singapore National!

Many thanks to all my Steel team member for the support and the gaming community for games~ I believe the key success to my winning in national is keeping focus to the game plan when you face a deck type and dun make any error during the game. every small bit counts and the deck is very versatile against almost all deck type. You just need to know when to play what and search for your answer.

8 comentarios

SirLargeness 470

Hey, had a question about A Time For Wolves. I see the obvious power of grabbing Summer at will to pull out a bran or arya, but outside of that i was wondering how impactful it really was. It seems you're not super all in on the Winterfell stall gameplan, im guessing that Building Orders isnt a fit for you here?

I see A Time For Wolves is alot of stark decks, but i never feel comfortable with it in builds of mine

Chaick 324

It is a search card for my deck. As I play only 1 copy of lady, greywind, shaggy dog, nymeria and summer which make it 5 wolf. It allow me to grab something when I need it. You need to time it nicely and know what to get. Grab summer or shaggy dog if you need more bodies on board. Grab lady if you have Sansa on board or if you need the +2 str. Nymeria for the intimate play style or greywind for the biting action. I never like building order as it still have a chance to fail you. For my plot, I prefer something solid and something that I know I will be getting.

bobbyquak92 33

@Chaick Is it true that Starks are OP and need to be restricted?

SirLargeness 470

@bobbyquak92, not sure what the author would say (seems like he's been crushing tournaments with this build in his area) but i wouldnt say they are any more OP than Lannister or other top tier builds. Ive had success with them in reagional season this year, but there are also strong decks from Martel Lion and lanni/dragon Targ/lion combinations that can do well in overloading the stark prevention machine as well

Cpt. Slurms 70

Congratulations on the National win! The play with Arya's Gift and Grey Wind finish was excellent. Killing off Bran Stark with the Dire Wolf isn't very Nedly though :D

talism 88

bloody cancer, stark are the cancer of this game!

facesofderek 23

Congratulations! If the new chapter pack had been legal what changes would you have made? Would you more for a Tully theme? Or would you have not played Stark at all?

Chaick 324

@SirLargeness it really depend on that days matchup and luck. as long as it is a normal set up, the deck have a chance against most deck type.

@Cpt. Slurms i know it is not nedly enough but it is getting very late. and knowing his deck... he dun play any event so bran is quite useless in that matchup.

@facesofderek i will most prob take out 1 jory and 1 tumblestone knight for 2 edmure. I am trying out another tully theme but it is a power rush version... still thinking of how to make that deck work... which will take quite some time to fine tune