Deserts Only Rain Blood

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agerjag 33

Martell with resets is not really a new deck but I wanted to play with it a bit more. Rains is something I really wanted to try with it, loyalty does seem better for resets thought at first glance just for econ alone and I have a version of this deck for that also.

I did get some playtesting and found that it was a really fun deck to play. Managing resets is very challenging and fun. Burning on the Sand is really good to cut down on double claim or prevent even claim one militarys that would leave you at one character (because you will get marched). Valar really forces your opponent to think about their plays and not just throw down huge beefy cards and smash while basically ignoring wildfire because they will still be left with 3 great characters (looking at you Lanister).

A few cards are in there only for testing purposes (palace spearman over knights of the sun for more intrigue icons for example). Would love thoughts on the deck as a whole. With valar I wonder If I need varys at 3 copies or at all really. One reset is usually enough. More starfall cav could be nice or In Doran's Name.

Valar Morghulis interactions:
-Quentyn Martell is nice for removing dupes on valar turn or forcing Maester Aemon to kneel.
-Burning on the Sand is nice as your likely going second on that turn.
-Vengeance for Elia is just really good post valar.
-Bastard Daughter for a little card advantage.
-Littlefinger, Greenblood Trader and Starfall Cavalry for extra draws/gold to recover from resets.
-The Iron Throne helps vs other control and for dominance post reset.

-Rains (Uncommon?) is triggerable in some post valar scenarios.

  1. Nymeria, Tyene, Arianne dupes. Plus chud played from hand or venemous blade.
  2. Stuff played from the Long Plan which requires planning ahead (aka having the long plan....), As you have to reveal Long plan off of previous turns rains then lose challenges or just have gold left over (you can plan this too).
  3. Really good econ: multiple limiteds. Works best with Arianne for multiple challenges. Triggering Rains on valar turn is obviously really good for various reasons.
    1. Get claim and higher reserve.
    2. Kneel Particularly troublesome foes they may have played.
    3. Stand a character for additional challenges (with claim). There are of course pitfalls. Like blockers with intrigue. Nymeria can handle some of these if you can get her into play. Elia can help if you are going second. Spare gold or Blood Orange Grove can put out attained also.

Rains choices are mostly self explanatory I think. Varys riddle is the most interesting. You can copy their wildfire to keep their board down if they go wide post reset and you dont have another handy (or they have treachery). Or copy things like counting coppers, filthy accusations or march to the wall (if it gives you value).

EDIT: Forgot one explanation/interaction that might need a little explaining. I went 3 Arianne Martell instead of two which is my norm because of the extra value of dupes. She is also pretty handy because you can surprise a player by using her ability to put dupes into play. This changes the board state in terms of valar value and you can do it at the end of a turn to get a really nice valar on the next.

7 comentarios

Badeesh 28

Trying something similar at the moment, so nice to see a list posted. I think Varys is right here, not necessarily as just a reset, but for the stealthy intrigue.

Banjo 97

Marching Orders into Long Plan from Castamere is pretty gross AWA Trading.

Baronerosso 160

Have u thinking about isle of raven with your attach and event(and varys)

agerjag 33

@Banjo Its really solid if your going first, but it can hurt if you are sitting on Vengeance for Elia or Burning on the Sand. Ill give it a shot over Summer harvest and see how it turns out.

@BaronerossoI have but without a way to search for events like shadowblack (which is an option) I dont think it will be valuable enough. This deck has some trouble with going to time as it is. How many vengeance do we need to play? :P

Baronerosso 160

Ahaha you are right but i'm thinking to isle not for vengeance but for ghaston and attach!( and areo post marched)

Miller 1

May I ask why Pyromancers? The deck seems great but it's unlikely to be a rich deck

agerjag 33

@Miller Pyromancers mostly comes in via Arianne Martell.

@everyone Some more recent edits. -3 Varys +2 Starfall Cavalry +1 Imprisoned