12/3/2016 Guardian Games Store Championship Winner Lannister

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Bluebird503 240

I really have been wanting to play Cersei(LOCR) since she was spoiled. I loved non-kneeling cersei in Power Behind the Throne in 1.0 and I really wanted to make something similar in 2.0. I had some ideas for some Lord of the Crossing Decks but I finally settled on this the morning of the event as a way to use Valar to my advantage. I don't think this deck is optimal by any means and I specifically made subpar card choices like no treacheries intentionally cause I wanted to play with some other fun cards I like and #slots.

The purpose of the deck is to strip their hand allowing you to leverage valar/early frost/tower of the hand/schemes. The schemes and lannisport provide you some card draw and stuff.

The actual deck had -1 Red Cloaks +1 Shae.

Honestly all the locations performed really well. Tower + Kevan is amazing and I think you can build an entire deck focused on this. Tower actually needs more legitimate people to bounce in the deck but I do think it fits with this decks strategy of stripping the hand because it becomes legitimate removal. Also gives you that cersei power gain :D.

Golden Tooth was great in this deck and It provided me with +3 gold in taxation when I knew I was going to valar following plot phase two times throughout the day.

Casterly Rock is backbone of the strategy. Small Council closed out games(we had huge percentage of the tournament play Nights Watch so this overperformed), and finally Lannisport provides steady stream of cards.

The insidious schemes are again a part of the card advantage strategy, just being in better position to leverage valar or against opposing valars. Also it "allowed" to me to not play counting coppers. They are good but not sure if essential might be able to play counting coppers.

Plots were mediocre but I'm bad at building plots from scratch. I think I played winter festival instead of calm. Early Frost overperformed it's not exactly fear of winter but sometimes it did something similar. Really good at getting them to top deck mode or keeping them there.

Characters.. need more intrigue icons and ways to leverage tower.

I think the location based lannister strategy was weak in the past. It's possible it is still weak but it is really fun and I do think valar gives you a bit more time/leeway to get your intrigue based locations out. You can do a lot of editing to this since it's a fairly rough list. I made significant changes in the car to the store for instance.

3 comentarios

Amoon 1

Thank you for sharing and well done winning an event in this new age of a meta! I very much like the idea of the deck and would be interested in hearing about your round match-ups.

bored2excess 452

I love seeing a non-traditional Lanni-Kraken! Great job rocking the locations.

Bluebird503 240

@Amoon because of the turnout and the large presence of Nights Watch I played against NW 4 times, Greyjoy Rains once, and Bara Kraken once. The NW games were all fairly interesting some of them were more difficult than others. Small council chamber was good there. I believe I punished my opponents plot sequencing a lot in the Bara Kraken game. And then finally my GJ rains opponent had a poor draw.