This deck is a very bad idea

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What the shit even is this deck 2 0 7 1.0
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AssortedNeedles 58

All credits go to Rors who made the deck "what the shit even is this deck".

I modified it a little more to my taste. I really like olenna's informants for that extra juicy claim 2 military challenge. Opening with Calm makes it a little more stable, and you can still hit them harder later in the game with claim 2/Jaqen/olenna's. Maybe need more King beyond the wall added back in, that card can also really hit hard.

Dupes + mines help save Jaqen and Mance in case of valar, the rest of the characters can die and be replenished with the awesome economy and draw.

If anyone has further ideas how to improve the deck, I'd like to hear!

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