New deck: House Tyrell

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3 comentarios

euphius 249

Do you ever have issues on setup since you are running 3x 7 cost characters and no 1 cost reducers? Also, do you find Ser Colen truly worth his 3x? I never run more than 1 normally. Finally, I've found Superior Claim easier to trigger for surprise power gain than LSR recently due to the "Alone" part of its text. Thoughts?

Runninronin 8

Oh, more than fair. So I make this mostly as a page to keep track of deck changes and to show my friends to see deficiencies. As such, I can't really speak as to how much of this works. It has strong matches against Stark, and Clannister is about all I can say.

The 7 costs can be a clog, but normally my best setup is arbor and guys or arbor and god's eye. I've had a draw happen where I get a little choked out on locations to help me generate economy or free guys. But it doesn't happen too often. Though I think I should probably just cut Renly.

Superior claim is finding it's way into the deck for sure. Probably when I prune the people in the deck a little more. First tourney for it is Sunday so we'll see.

Jalgot 1

I don't think Street of Silk has a place here right now. I ran it in a Lanni/greyjoy with 22 ally/companions and I hit an ally or companion around 60% of the times, you run 4 cards that it can fetch.

The God's Eye and The Arbor sounds like a fun combo.