Winterfell is coming - King of swiss(5-0), 3rd in the end

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Stark Fealty - 3-2 on swiss, made it to top 4 2 0 1 1.0
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Geoman15 9

This deck is a classical Stark control-power grab mix. I went 5-0 in swiss, in store championship in Zagreb, Croatia (16 players). Losing in the semifinals and winning the 3rd place in the end.

Winterfell and Catelyn are mvps, but versatility of this deck is what makes it great. You can go for early power grab, for a high claim kill or just control and build the board and let it roll in your favor.

Here is a short review of matches (I dont remember every game because I played 7 of them that day and they kind of mixed up)

R1: Hrvoje (Targaryen fealty) - WIN

My opponent didn't have a good setup and I managed to control his Rakharo and Jhogo with milks. dont remember much of my board, but i think Eddard was there to close it quickly.

R2: Bernd (Greyjoy corssing) - WIN

I really don't like this matchup but I was really lucky in setup and draw. Round one Catelyn and Winterfell out, Frozen solid on his Great Kraken. Key was the turn two where i managed to pull off a 2 claim military challenge on his 3 character board, blocking his saves with winterfell (killed a chud and Euron). He later valared leaving Balon and Victarion on his side, and Catelyn and Robb on mine (i think). I had already managed to collect enough power to close it so we shook hands.

R3: Goran (Tyrell rains) - WIN

Card draw (gates) was important in this one. He opened the first round with Margaery, Olenna and Roseroad partoll i think. My milk of the poppy on his queen of thorney messed up his plans to jump KoF in... A bit of unexpected military claim did it's work, as did other two milks coming next round, and I pushed through with power grab.

R4: Viktor (Tyrell wolf - tournament winner) - WIN

Most intense match of the day for me... it's a 2x unexpected delay deck with a lot of attachments. He started of with sending my Eddard's head on a spike and warding my bran... Key move of the game was milking my own Jon Snow so he couldn't be bounced to my hand by already mentioned plot, and I could keep military pressure. It was round 3, I didn't know where I was, he was at 14 power and me at 6. From there on i managed to pull myself together. He had to valar killing his knight with 3 power on, and my big guys came in closing the game. turns out that was his only loss that day, so some satisfaction for me!

R5: Gabriel (Martell fealty) - WIN

Annoying cards on both sides, winterfell and catelyn on mine, sunspear, ghaston and nymeria on his... Card draw won me the game since he had no card draw, + Ice on Nymeria. I think we went all the way to round 8 to finish it. It was a very good game.

Semifinals: Marjan (Targaryen fealty) - LOSS

no economy until round 3, no winterfell for the entire game (and we went to plot 7), and his 2x dracarys, put to the sword and crown of gold turned the game on his side. it was 10-0 for me on plot 4 i think, but then it went south. Maybe i would have had a chance if i had higher initiative on last plot so i could go first and close the game but it didnt happen... Great play form my opponent :)

3rd place match: Goran (Tyrell rains) - WIN

Same opponent as in R3, but entirely different match! in short, card draw won me the game as i managed to get on my feet after 2 valars! (we played 9 rounds i think). winterfell was quite important as well, think i dont have to mention that, as did 2x winter is coming events on military.

Possible changes and comments:

Ser Edmure Tully - where the f*** where you all day? i didnt see him once whole day! 7 games! but honestly I would still keep him in deck. Great card.

Riverrun - I played only one copy instead of removing it because in my testing games it helped me win few times... today i saw it twice but didn't trigger it even once. (maybe because the tully guys didnt' show up in time) - could be removed for superior claim which i cut out, or another nightmares.

The Blackfish - playing 3 or 2... always a hard choice!

Last Hearth Scouts - these guys weren't of much use today, but i would still keep them in, mostly because of Lannister, Arianne and other jumping cards.

Any questions and suggestions are welcome! :) thank you!

2 comentarios

gabi4008 415

congrats to your result.i enjoyed our game in round was a nice one.i lost to a good player with a good deck.thats fine.the only card i do not understand is riverrun.i think there will be better cards,or not? for my martell deck your deck is a bad one to play against.catlyn and winterfell are very bad cards for me. i enjoyed the tourney in zagreb.thanks for organisation

Geoman15 9

Thank you Gabriel. Yes i still have my doubts about riverrun, as i wrote above, and maybe i would change it now for something else. In the end it didn't have much influence (positive or negative) on my games. I agree for Cat and winterfell, i was lucky to draw both of them early against you, as i remember. I'm glad you had great experiences and i hope we will see each other soon in some other tournaments! :)