Cressen and Moon Boy vacation by the sea

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
2 Stags by the Sea OCTGN League 4-2 0 0 0 2.0

Diomedes 3294

This deck looks pretty innocent due to the lack of big characters, but it is very resilient. The strategy is simple: Win challenges and win dominance!

You can use your precious card slots for locations because your characters can survive everything: 3x Iron Mines, 3x Risen, 3x In the Name of Your King!, 3x Aeron. You usually don't want to have more than 3-4 characters on the board, so you can punish an overextending opponent with Valar or Wildfire which hit them much harder than yourself.

The Drowned Men are the secret stars of this deck. They can easily get to STR 7+ with 3 Priests and 5 Warship locations plus the Iron Fleet Scout STR boost during challenges.

This deck cannot have bad setups, period. The opening plot is preferably A Feast for Crows if you have the Iron Throne in play or hand. Heads on Spikes or Marched to the Wall are situational alternatives. Probably on round 3 you play Counting Coppers because you will have played all your cards by this point. Political Disaster can be a menace, but the opponent usually plays it too early not knowing there are many more locations to come. :)

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