Tywin's Grand Ambition

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Xanshi 13

"You are my most able servant, Tywin, but a man does not marry his heir to his servant's daughter."

I believe that House Lannister is the best faction in a coreset only environment. Economy is much more important part of the game now. The higher cost curve and the gold cost on events cards are the reason for that. You need to micro manage your economy to play the game effectively.


Originally I was drawn to use House Tyrell, mainly due to Margaery. But I found the other non loyal cards to underwhelming. Don't get me wrong Randyll and Ser Loras are fantastic additions. I just felt the cost curve will slow the deck considerably. As a player from 1.0, getting out more characters will benefit me more.

House Targaryen provided efficient characters like Jorah, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion.

But it was Illyrio that made me choose this faction. Stand is one of the most powerful effect in the game. And Lannister can easily use his ability, especially if Tyrion is in the game. Imagine using this on Tywin. Or maybe using Cersei claim increase twice? Along with Casterly Rock and Lannisport. It's gonna be a brutal blow in your opponent's board state. Even simply using it on Pycelle just to use Insight twice has made me choose House Targaryen


Obviously, I wanted dominate the game by limiting the cards he could play. Heads on Spikes was a no brainer for a duplicated plot. A Noble Cause provided the speed to get my big guns out. While A Game of Thrones provided some sort defense against aggressive military decks. Summons is a backup, in case I don't draw my stronger characters. The Winds of Winter is push further the board state and Wildfire Assault is my only semi reset in the game.

Characters and Locations:

No need to further explain them. With the limited cardpool, I felt cost curve and icon spread were balanced.

Events and Attachments:

I consider both card types to be same in terms of deck building.

Tears of Lys provided some character removal. While The Things I Do For Love may give me the tip advantage during challenge. Whether it's attacking or defending. Treachery and The Hand's Judgment provided some defense from opponents nasty card effects.

Milk of the Poppy is obviously to hose down powerful characters. And lastly, Widow's Wail provided some sorta surprise power bump if needed.

Thanks for reading this long post. Feel free to comment and suggest.

2 comentarios

Alsciende 134

Three dashes will create a nice horizontal rule. Two or three leading #'s will create a header:


Xanshi 13

@AlsciendeThanks, I didn't know that.