Baratheon - Rose Banner: Power Rush

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Baratheon - Rose Banner: Power Rush 0 0 0 3.0
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The Leper Affinity 3

First attempt at a 2.0 power rush deck. I think the core concept seems strong, as it can just run Baratheon control as a backup. Considering fitting in a Filthy Accusations to keep the kneeling strat plausible in match ups that power rush is not working, but this could potentially slow down the deck drastically.

The goal is to use the first Support of the People to find a The Red Keep if it isn’t in play yet, if it is, then most likely find Street of the Sisters and begin running in power challenges. I included 1 The Iron Throne as a tech card, and 1 Chamber of the Painted Table for if the dominance game seems viable. The plot deck has 2 Heads on Spikes since they can just win you the game, and if they don’t, it is a pseudo intrigue/possible 2 power.

I chose to not include Olenna’s Informant as most of the deck requires winning a power challenge by 5 and committing that much usually results in a lack of str available for a second power challenge.

A couple tips & tricks:

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