House Lannister with Rains

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Lannister / Rains of Castamere (6-0 SC) 10 6 11 1.0
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elenar 41

Improved version of my Lanni/rains deck. No really bad matchups. The pure quality of the cards and flexibility of rains makes sure you can win any game. However I would tweak it depending on the meta.

If you exepct alot of greyjoy add 2x the hands judgement to cancel risen from the sea and remove something :).

If you exepct alot of nights watch and or choke decks. Swap cersei for core cersei and add 2x trial by combat removing casterly rock. Also add Littlefingers Meddling.

Top faction matchups:

Baratheon - MIlk of the poppy and nightmare is your key cards (countering bob and cressen). Tears of llys is really strong vs them. THe beggining is a bit rough if they get melisandre + bob/stannis but You have a better lategame then them, jsut stall for it until you can remove their board presence :).

Grejoy - Mostly played vs the Winter versions and Trading with Pentoshi just kills them unless they geta lucky valar (no dupes, bodyguars). Vs regular versions Milk and nightmare is really good, just dont let them get unopposed challenges. Balon, asha and theon all die to tears ;).

Nights watch - Craven is very good against our big dudes. You have to win with the first snow of winter or slowly get rid of their board. Rains help alot in this matchup since they often lack intrigue power. Nightmare on the wall or the haunted forest is really usefull to trigger unopposed or rains.

Tyrell - tbc

If you want a harder but a litte more fun deck try, the rain of clansmen recently posted (alot of fun but hard deck).

5 comentarios

elenar 41


elenar 41


Lannister 570

Thanks! I was missing Pycelle and Vary's Riddle before :)

Lannister 570

@elenar last question buddy. I have a dilemma with Marched to the wall. I know it is indispensable, but having ghosts of harrenhal works amazingly well against valar meta. What do you think?

elenar 41

@LannisterA decent opponent will always have his own best character on top after a valar negating your gain.Sure you will get value out of it sometimes but I honestly think its only good with Harrenhal. Marched on the other hand is really powerfull both lategame when chuds are removed or as a first turn win vs bad keeps.