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euphius 249

4 comentarios

HidaHayabusa 73

That's an odd mix. I don't see much triggers for Tyrion (would expect Burned Men and other Ambushes), and the Wall seems a bit odd here since you run high cost people as well. Can't say that the economy is anything amazing also. Have you tested this out?

euphius 249

Its a goofy concept deck I posted for a friend who asked me to give him some out of the box deck ideas focused in control and choke...and if you are looking at it in a traditional way you are completely missing the point. Its econ choke...in so many random ways.
Steal money with white tree and meager, if they save enough to pay to do mil due to the madams, ambush in paid off and kneel their best stuff on attack or d...or they stop doingnint challenges. I've had games where opponents don't want to do int, can't afford to do mil, and can only do pow...so yeah the wall gains power. It either completely works or doesn't get enough choke to get set, never in between.
I love plays where they choose to let me win int, I ambush in multiple paid offs, and kneel out their board. Its fun, its goofy, its 4-5 cards from being viable outside of fun play. That said, its been enjoyable.

HidaHayabusa 73

I've tried something similar, that's why I am asking. In a much more aggressive way, using Econ choke as a way to get ahead of board. Then Morghulis happened. Pre Morghulis it won me two 20+ players tourney just by abusing Muster, which was under the radar. Check if you'd like : thronesdb.com

euphius 249

Two entirely different decks.
My deck is aiming to use choke to make spending decisions difficult and to make it easier to defend the wall by kneeling units, preventing challenges enitrely, or making it unappealing to do certain challenges. When it fully sets up you can make it so your opponent doesn't play anything just so they have enough gold to stop your effects. There are too many high econ openers to fully count on a complete lockdown choke deck, so rather this is to make econ math hard which hopefully puts challenge math in your favor. Even cards like Levies have uses as saved gold can be taken mid challenge to prevent events or keep the opponent from stopping paid off. Its not a world beating deck, but its more viable than decks that only have 2-3 ways to prevent money gain or don't punish opponents for not saving gold for the challenges phase. Its a conceptual exercise into how can I affect the game differently than anyone else is tryi g right now. It needs more cards yet to truly work, but its fun at this point and can win at least as much as it loses.