Targ Watch: Catapulting Dragons

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scantrell24 3386

First draft.

3 comentarios

scantrell24 3386

Just realized I forgot Ser Jorah. Maybe drop 1 Plaza of Pride for 1 Jorah.

billnovy 1

I am working on finalizing own version of Targ Watch. Need to remove 10 more cards from the deck and wanted to see what others were doing.

Any reason why you didn't include Satin to stand the Stewards (my preferred target for catapult)?

I have Aggo with 2 cheap dothraki and 3 Summer plots for another stand option if catapult is on one of them (obviously preferred stand is Drogo).

I am leaning towards Unsullied over Ranging Party. RP has better str for cost but US helps give juicier targets for burn without Dani on the board. Thoughts?

2 bows are on the cut list because of limited NW targets and too many attachments.

Do you feel the economy is sufficient to get some of the higher cost characters out?



scantrell24 3386


Satin is a decent idea, but I only have 2 targets right now. Also, standing the Catapult-wielding character isn't a huge help because the Catapult is still knelt and can't be used again.

I have exactly 12 Night's Watch cards so I can't cut any Ranging Party.

Slaver's Bay Port and Beggar King are insane together. You can easily count 8 gold on a Counting Coppers turn.