The Wolves of the Roses

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Wildfire for board control, the rest for economy to help with board setup, all to ultimately trigger The Winds of Winter.

Robb will ensure you’ll have guys standing to issue challenges or win dominance when you lose a character, a great deterrent against . Combined with The Iron Throne and Dominance is controlled.

Ultimately you want to setup to get a nice combo with The Winds of Winter, Olenna’s Informant and Winter Is Coming to hit hard with claim.

Margaery Tyrell, Growing Strong, For the North! for buffs

Use Catelyn when you need an or to go through without a hitch. Ice, Heartsbane, and Seal of the Hand, self explanatory.

The Wolfswood gives your wolves ambush, which has been an awesome keyword for Lannister. Margaery Tyrell combos great with all characters, great key character.

“The Bear and the Maiden Fair”, For the North!, and Counting Coppers to manage card economy.

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