No Funny Stuff: Ep5 - Baratheon Kings of Summer

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SirLargeness 470

Howdy friends. Corresponding deck list to the linked episode in the video series. Please check it out to get an idea of what we'll be doing in future episodes.

Brief descriptor: We finish our look at the seasonal agendas with Bara KoS, and jam some games with the somewhat linear gameplan of the yellow bordered faction. What Baratheon loses in being very straighforward, they make up with very powerful uniques and Event cards that can create blowout situations to wreck unprepared opposing decks. This flip side is your games can feel very Feast or Famine, as when you dont draw the right pieces in the right order, you can lose in a similar lopsided fashion. Kings of Summer attempts to apply greater consistency to the process though econ advantage, but the lack of strong card advantage plots sometimes has you wishing you were just playing Fealty instead.

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