Aggro/Tempo Watch Wolf

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Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
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Ninguno. Éste es un mazo hecho de cero.
Inspiración para
Lay Siege? - Cardiff Regional Top 8 (28p) 12 8 6 1.0

Kidlet1490 15

Took this to a 4-1 record in the swiss at the Madison Regional this past weekend and then beat a Stark Fealty in the top 8 before losing to Lanni Rains (a buddy of mine) :) where I mulled and then drew into a hand that wouldn't beat anybody. (triple Yoren, double Varys, guarding the realm, random location)

Just a tempo deck that grinds them out of cards and then builds a better board post Varys/Valar. Harrenhal can be used to push the tempo or just to sit out there as a threat. Battle of the Blackwater and Duel were both pretty bad for me all day however as getting them to have two six drops is rare. Keeping Battle seems okay as clearing a duped board is really nice.

1 comentario

iaan 17

Now this looks great! I've been playing around with different more agressive Nw attempts and your one looks really good! Do you thought about addding 2-3 Walls as a second win con?