Randyll's Revenge - 2nd Place Winds of Winter

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Randyll's Revenge - 3rd Place Kingsmoot 65 43 27 1.0
Inspiración para
Stolen Sun (Tyrell/Banner of the Sun) 0 0 0 1.0
4 Decks for New Playgroups: Tyrell/Sun Pumps 5 2 4 1.0

teamjimby 1961

This was my second time using Randyll’s Revenge in a tournament. Last time I got 3rd out of 31 and this time I got 2nd out of 20. I’m not going to talk about the whole deck because you can see that in the first version, but I’ll add a few comments about what I changed.

Cards I took out:

Cards I added:

My first game was against Alex’s Targ/Lion (I think), and was highlighted by his play of Varys. Luckily, I was holding back for a Wildfire Assault and was able to recover quickly with Littlefinger, soon followed by Randyll Tarly and The Knight of Flowers. I forget many other details, but it was a good, close game.

Second game was against Jesse’s Stark/Watch. I had a fairly mediocre setup and he landed a 4 claim on turn one with Sneak Attack, Ice, and Winter is Coming. Not much else mattered after that.

Third game was against Zoltan’s Lanni/Rose. He played Heads on Spikes turn 1 and caught my The Knight of Flowers, but I got out Randyll Tarly and Margaery Tyrell early and Randyll did his thing. I also made him discard Tywin Lannister via , so he never quite recovered board state.

Fourth game was Zach’s Targ/Fealty. He got out a Plaza of Punishment early, but was never able to kill anyone with it. I got the Left/Right combo, which was a wall he couldn’t break through. The +1 strength kept them out of Plaza range. I don’t think I saw Randyll, but KoF couldn’t be stopped. I almost blew it at the end when he played Wildfire Assault against my Marched to the Wall. I made him go first (because I almost always do), without thinking that he could trigger Wildfire first. That broke the Left/Right wall, but I was still able to close it out. This win got me barely into the cut at 3-1.

In the cut I was matched up against Kyle’s undefeated Targ/Lion in one of the more memorable games I’ve played. The funny part was that neither of us had Wildfire Assault in our deck, yet we were both waiting for it to drop. Also, I had an early Sunspear, so he made very few military challenges. This meant the boards were very large on both sides. Luckily I was able to Milk Tyrion and Dany and he used Confiscation early on Heartsbane. Randyll was doing his thing early with Marge, but I never saw any dupes for him. I had to work very hard to not lose any challenges and avoid the tears. Eventually Kyle made a big push that I couldn’t stop to take out Randyll, but with his dying breath Randyll claimed 4 military via an Olenna’s Informant. I forget if I had 2 claim because of Sunspear or The Winds of Winter. After that he was putting pressure on me with Jaime and Drogo, but I had the perfect answer - Left/Right with Margaery Tyrell, Seal of the Hand, and Highgarden. I could defend military for 12 (out of Dracarys Range) and remove Jaime from the challenge, making any military impossible. With him unable to break through the wall, the Mander and KoF led me to an 8 turn victory.

The finals were fairly one sided with me on the losing end. Robert was running Targ Fealty and got out Dany with all 3 dragons by turn 2. I held on for a while and successfully avoided any Dracarys!, but he had control the whole game. I had Randyll and Marge, but he usually went first and with no Milk for Dany, that meant he would get first action and Dracarys Randyll before I could stand him. Even when he made a power challenge with Dany, he widely used Magister Illyrio to stand her before I declared defenders.

In the end, I was pleased with how the deck performed. I had used NW/Stag and Greyjoy/Lion in the last two tournaments, and even though those decks also did well, they aren’t nearly as fun to play. I think the deck is in a pretty good place right now. The only plot I’m thinking about adding is A Game of Thrones, mostly for the turn 1 play against Greyjoy or Stark. Not sure what I’d take out. Probably Marched to the Wall. The Olenna’s Cunning is also gone. Too expensive and they always seemed to pick the right type.

Thanks to Jimmy for organizing a fun tournament, and to Ross for driving Cersei’s Wheelhouse from Seattle to Tacoma.

8 comentarios

Bluebird503 234

Really enjoyed our game, wish I could have played better and given you a tougher one :). Sunspear is annoying, <3.

HidaHayabusa 73

Nice job. Have you considered a Varys or two in the deck?

teamjimby 1961

Thanks! I’ve thought a little about Varys, but haven’t tried him. Just not really my style of play, I guess.

SizemattersHS 14

Hey @teamjimby. Really like your deck. Is it easy to pilot and any cards from TtB that you will make changes to this deck?

teamjimby 1961

Glad you like it! I don’t think the piloting is too tricky, but it might take a few games to get used to. The main things are 1) keeping Randyll and KoF alive and 2) being able to use the Olenna’s Informants at the right time to get 4 claim military or power.

I just got TtB yesterday, so I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet. I expect I will add 1-2 copies of Pleasure Barge and maybe 1 copy of Support of the People. I’d cut Olenna’s Cunning, and possible 1 copy of the Mander if I included Support of the People.

SizemattersHS 14

@teamjimbyAlright thanks, I just got my TtB yesterday, I will definitely make the changes u recommend and give it a try. Since in a control players, I feel this deck might just be the right one for me. Finger’s cross.

GIBraag 32

How do you feel about Bastard daughter in this deck?

teamjimby 1961

Hmm. They would be taking the slots of the House Dayne Knights. I think I prefer the knights for the +1 str, intrigue icon, and occasional ability to get intimidate with Dawn. But if you really want to work the intrigue and discarding, I could see Bastard Daughters fitting in.