Offensive night's watch lol
FlamingEagle 1
Standard v1.12 | Justa | Contienda | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Justa | Contienda |
Offensive night's watch lolFlamingEagle 1
Stormborn's Bloodriderswrathfulhammer 1
Lanni Sunkennish 206
Baratheon Control DeckMaestious 7
Targ/Sun Blitzkilatsat 20
The Red Watchkrisko 1
Let's Run a Maratheon! (guide)Soulpact 1
The Red Watchkrisko 1
Sunburnskrisko 1
Sun & Lions v2Vencel 27
New deck: House Stark, Banner of the DragonCarandras 64
Sun & LionsVencel 27
Raiding Your Village 101Dydra 1499