Capítulos permitidos (64 sí, 0 no)

Caja básica / Deluxe


Westeros Cycle

War of Five Kings Cycle

Blood and Gold

Flight of Crows

Dance of Shadows

King's Landing

Premium Packs

Mists of Memory

Sea of Shadow

todo / ninguno

Cervi coi Tentacoli

papella 3
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Night Rose

wowawiwa 7
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Golden Kraken

highchloride 1
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

| Long May She Reign |

SYX 65
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Leonid Fealty

subpoenaduece 19
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Black Sun Midrange

chrsjxn 67
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Some outdated stuff

Mofe24 15
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda


Sinople 31
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Golden Kraken

highchloride 1
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Tom's fanfic

HollaWalah 8
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda


Temosh 25
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda

Knight o Lady?

LordGoshy 66
Standard v1.13 Justa Contienda
Standard v1.12 Justa Contienda
Valyrian v1.0 Justa Contienda