Long Game
Stathis 1
Standard v1.12 | Justa | Contienda | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Justa | Contienda |
Long GameStathis 1
Viper on (s)Theory(ds) - 46 000 strexoter 43
Intriguing Fun in the Sunriffrichards 53
Intriguing Fun in the Sunriffrichards 53
Martell Moar strenghtGoyahkla 1
House Martell Fealtycelauris 27
House Martell 3/29/17dfaust 60
martell rainsermas 142
Martells in the MiddleGatilleon 105
Doran's Court vol.2amaasik 29
Doran's wheelchair got stuck in a rose bush.Novosignum 7
New deck: House MartellRobe da Elfi 14
New deck: House MartellRobe da Elfi 14
Southern Comfortbrosefusmaximus 3
A Lovely CoupleDansen 20
Martell used pileNickgame 252