8 cartas

Nombre Facción Coste Tipo FUE Rasgos Capítulo
"Steel Rain" House Greyjoy - Event Song. The March on Winterfell 32
Beneath the Gold, the Bitter Steel House Targaryen 0 Event Hear My Words 35
Steelshanks Walton House Stark 3 Character 3 Guard. House Bolton. Sea of Shadow (Unreleased) 63
Street of Steel Neutral 1 Location King's Landing. Calm over Westeros 97
Valyrian Steel Neutral Agenda Long May He Reign 118
Valyrian Steel Neutral Agenda Redesigns 52
Valyrian Steel Armor House Greyjoy 3 Attachment Item. Valyrian Steel. For the Realm 6
Valyrian Steel Dagger House Lannister 2 Attachment Valyrian Steel. Weapon. Lions of Casterly Rock 21

8 cartas