20 cartas

Nombre Facción Coste Tipo FUE Rasgos Capítulo
White Harbor Watchman House Stark 3 Character 3 Guard. House Manderly. Beneath the Red Keep 61
Tower of the Hand House Stark 1 Location King's Landing. Beneath the Red Keep 62
Alyce Graceford House Tyrell 3 Character 3 Lady. The Seven. Beneath the Red Keep 63
The Maidenvault House Tyrell 2 Location King's Landing. Beneath the Red Keep 64
Forest Patrol The Night's Watch 4 Character 6 Ally. Ranger. Beneath the Red Keep 65
Blackbird The Night's Watch 1 Location Warship. Beneath the Red Keep 66
Castle Guard House Baratheon 4 Character 3 Guard. Beneath the Red Keep 67
Public Execution House Baratheon 3 Event Beneath the Red Keep 68
Doubting Septa House Lannister 2 Character 1 The Seven. Beneath the Red Keep 69
Tunnels of the Red Keep House Lannister 3 Location King's Landing. Beneath the Red Keep 70
Gorold Goodbrother House Greyjoy 6 Character 5 House Goodbrother. Lord. Beneath the Red Keep 71
Shadow of the Isles House Greyjoy - Event Beneath the Red Keep 72
Shadowblack Assassin House Targaryen 3 Character 3 Ally. Beneath the Red Keep 73
Dragon Skull House Targaryen 3 Attachment Item. Beneath the Red Keep 74
Sarella Sand House Martell 4 Character 3 Bastard. Sand Snake. Beneath the Red Keep 75
Meadowlark House Martell 1 Location Warship. Beneath the Red Keep 76
Advisor to the Crown Neutral 1 Character 1 Ally. Maester. Beneath the Red Keep 77
Knights of the Mind Neutral 1 Event Citadel. Beneath the Red Keep 78
Kingdom of Shadows Neutral Agenda Beneath the Red Keep 79
City of Spiders Neutral Plot City. Scheme. Beneath the Red Keep 80

20 cartas