20 cartas

Nombre Facción Coste Tipo FUE Rasgos Capítulo
Eddard Stark House Stark 7 Character 6 Lord. Small Council. Pit of Snakes 41
Malleon's Tome House Stark 2 Attachment Citadel. Item. Pit of Snakes 42
Maester Gormon House Tyrell 4 Character 2 Maester. Pit of Snakes 43
Unexpected Guile House Tyrell 2 Attachment Skill. Pit of Snakes 44
Maester Mullin The Night's Watch 2 Character 1 Maester. Pit of Snakes 45
Guard Duty The Night's Watch 1 Attachment Condition. Pit of Snakes 46
Ser Eldon Estermont House Baratheon 5 Character 4 Knight. Lord. Pit of Snakes 47
Shadow of the Throne House Baratheon - Event Pit of Snakes 48
Chiswyck House Lannister 3 Character 2 Ally. Pit of Snakes 49
"Hands of Gold" House Lannister 2 Event Song. Pit of Snakes 50
King's Landing Proselyte House Greyjoy 4 Character 4 Ally. Drowned God. Pit of Snakes 51
Outfitted for War House Greyjoy 0 Attachment Weapon. Pit of Snakes 52
Jon Connington House Targaryen 6 Character 5 House Connington. Lord. Pit of Snakes 53
The Dragonpit House Targaryen 3 Location King's Landing. Pit of Snakes 54
Arianne Martell House Martell 6 Character 5 Lady. Pit of Snakes 55
A Pit of Snakes House Martell 2 Event Pit of Snakes 56
The Most Devout Neutral 6 Character 5 The Seven. Pit of Snakes 57
Statue of Baelor Neutral 2 Location King's Landing. The Seven. Pit of Snakes 58
The Faith's Decree Neutral 0 Event The Seven. Pit of Snakes 59
Manning the City Walls Neutral Plot City. War. Pit of Snakes 60

20 cartas