Knights of the Realm + Roose Bolton's deadly pinch

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wordsmith 1

Idea of this deck is to use knights and Lady Sansa's Rose for quick power grab. It contains a lot of synergies, mainly thanks to Stark combos.

Use Varys's Riddle or Summer Harvest as an opener. In general, if you have better initial (from setup) board presence use Summer Harvest. Otherwise open with Varys's Riddle. Note that if you have one character only, Vary's riddle is the best opener if opponent would counter with Marched to the Wall as then he would need to get rid of two characters.

Confiscation because of Milk of the Poppy and Craven. Alternatively to drop some opponent's attachment.

Wildfire Assault and Marched to the Wall for board control, especially Marched to the Wall for after Roose Bolton strike.

Wardens of the North mainly for Roose Bolton, with this plot you can be sure he will be able to get through. Also this plot helps to initiate Lady Sansa's Rose, as you attack with one knight first and if opponent doesn't block you can trigger Lady Sansa's Rose. If blocked, use Wardens to add others Starks if you need to win that challenge.

A Time For Wolves to bring Summer (Core) into game. Best to use if you already have one copy of Summer in hand, use Time for Wolves and dupe it. Also use it after you sacrificed Bran Stark to bring him back with Summer's ability. Alternatively you can bring back Arya Stark (Core). Also Time for wolves can be used to bring out Lady.

Knighted to use on some lady, Brienne of Tarth, Arya Stark (Core) or Catelyn Stark (Core) best. Then she can attack and grab points for Lady Sansa's Rose. Alternatively to boost Roose Bolton.

Lady best to use with Roose Bolton but also attach to another Stark, and with 1 gold move to Bolton as a surprise if he wins a challenge.

Little Bird to add a to some big chud, Robb Stark (Core), Ser Edmure Tully, The Knight of Flowers or Brienne of Tarth. Brienne with is insanely good when also Catelyn Stark (Core) is present.

Milk of the Poppy just attach to some big, preferably cost 6-7 character. Milk is one of the most broken cards in the game. You would be fool not to use it.

Not much to say here, The Tumblestone is nice to have even with one gold on it as there are four different House Tully characters to use with.

Lady Sansa's Rose is the good power grab, also use it with The Blackfish + Lady and he gets instant 4 points (1 for renown) so he can use his ability not to kneel.

"Wolf in the Night" and For the North! to boost Roose Bolton and also to boost any knight attacking alone to grab power with Sansa's Rose.

Arya's Gift to remove Milk of the Poppy but also to move Lady unexpected to Roose Bolton. Nice trick with Arya's gift is to use it in a challenge when Roose Bolton is milked and opponent would not expect that you trigger him. Works like charm.

"The Bear and the Maiden Fair" you can use this event on opponent but also on yourself if you need some card badly (Bolton or some event). Remember that you don't have to put any card to the bottom of the deck so you can re-arrange your own deck to draw what best suits you in the moment.

It's a mix of knights and ladies with great synergies together. I will just pinpoint some of the most useful combinations which weren't mentioned above.

Roose Bolton is just insanely broken. If you win a challenge with him, sacrifice him and get rid of multiple opponent's weenies (usually low strength) and then the claim for challenge would go to some big chud. With the Lady, Margaery Tyrell (Core) and events at your disposal you can boost him for up to +14 so killing overall worth of 18 strength of characters before claim! Usually it's about 10 strength worth of targets, more than enough to wipe all weenies. And the best thing is that Bolton can trigger also on challenge. Be aware to have a Bran Stark present before triggering him if you play vs Lannister, to block Treachery. To avoid that you can also use Catelyn Stark (Core) with him in the challenge. Also when boosting Bolton, another nasty trick is to attack with him alone, use "Wolf in the Night" on him and then add another Starks with Wardens of the North plot. He is boosted to trigger his ability, and you can be sure he wins a challenge. Also Catelyn as an insurance policy is cherry on the top in such case. Or use it other way around, let Bolton stay, attack with someone else and then add Bolton with Wardens to trigger him. Lot of options. It's like Wildfire and Valar Morghulis but only applied on the opponent. Unstoppable. Insane. Deadly.

The Blackfish - use Ser Edmure Tully, Jeyne Westerling, The Tumblestone and Lady Sansa's Rose with him, so he can grab his 4 power asap.

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