The Night's Watch. No Leal.
Character. Coste: 1. FUE: 1.


Shadow (0).

Reaction: After a card you control comes out of shadows, choose an opponent. Give control of Desperate Deserter to that player.

-1 Income. -1 Initiative.

Nils Kratt (DALL-E)
Winter's Kings #109.

Link: Decklists

Desperate Deserter

Rules FAQ

  • You can trigger the reaction when Desperate Deserter itself comes out of shadows. You can also trigger it when you play an event from shadows.

  • If A Traitor's Whisper puts Desperate Deserter and another card into play, you can trigger Desperate Deserter, but the opponent can also trigger it in the same reaction window and immediately give it back to you.

  • The -1 gold on Desperate Deserter is taken into account when calculating whether you gain 1 or 2 gold for Underground Vault.

Odrl 1245