Rose of the North, Tyrell/Stark. 3rd Place, Winter Tournamen

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Flower of the North, Tyrell/Stark. 3rd out of 10. 0 1 0 1.0
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The Once and Future Jake 8

Never played against Targ, so I can’t vouch for the deck’s effectiveness there.

Game 1 was a Mod Loss to Bara Fealty due to time. I was able to use both Varys and Put to the Sword in clutch moments to reset the board and permanently deal with the opponent’s Robert Baratheon, respectively. But due to a dupe on their Stannis Baratheon and quickly drawing into another Melisandre, they were able to bog the game back down to a crawl and eek out the victory with more power when time ran out and the round finished.

Game 2 was a Win against Tyrell Fealty. It was a close game, but another clutch Varys and use of Highgarden helped me secure the victory. My opponent was able to capitalize on a lapse in judgement on my part and Tears of Lys my Eddard Stark before I could put him to serious use.

Game 3 was a Win against Watch/Bara. The true superstars of this match was Varys, Ned, and Sansa Stark. It was by this time I realized just how much work Varys had been putting in for me for the day. I was able to build a substantial board with a duped Arya Stark, Sansa with Lady, and Ned with a Little Bird and Seal of the Hand.

Luckily my opponent wasn’t able to draw into The Wall or Chamber of the Painted Table until the very end of the game, which let me gain a heavy lead with Eddard Stark’s renown, and sneaky uses of Lady with Sansa Stark.

Winning some intrigue challenges with Ned helped me discard a Seen In Flames and Support of the People to help keep the opponent in the back foot, so much so, that he was forced to settle for winning dominance and triggering The Red Keep, since his strength in was ridiculously high with Benjen Stark to block my stealth and multiple copies of Ranging Party.

I had been holding onto Varys for a majority of the match, but my Eddard Stark had a ridiculous amount of renown power on him at this point (5-7). Then I drew into a Bodyguard and I knew the time had come.

I put the bodyguard on Ned, made sure to move Lady to him and Varys’ed the board, leaving me with a dupeless Arya Stark and the King of attachments, Ned.

By this time, the opponent had duped Benjen Stark, which surprised the hell out me, so he survived.

But with the judge calling to finiah the round, and being 2 power away from victory, I was able to draw into another Sansa, use Lady to stand her for another power, and won dominance.

I also want to point out that Paxter Redwyne, Growing Strong, and Pleasure Barge were all honorable mentions in those matches, helping me wuth either pump, extra income, or some much needed card draw to refill my hand.

Overall on the day, there were three rounds of Swiss and I finished 2-1. Placed 3rd and walked away with a sweet Old Bear Mormont deck box.

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