Bara "Kneel" Fealty - Winter GNK Winner (4W/0L)

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SizemattersHS 14

This was my very first AGOT 2.0 tournament and I went 4-0 with Bara Fealty and was top player after 4 rounds of swiss of 12 players. This deck is the same as Barnie’s deck. I wanted to take out King Robert’s Warhammer and replace it with another copy of Bodyguard expecting to meet a lot of Targ Fealty players but it was swarm with Lanni players instead.

Round 1 vs. Lanni/Greyjoy (Win 1-0) Round 2 vs. Greyjoy/Fealty (Win 2-0) Round 3 vs. Lanni/Fealty (Win 3-0) Round 4 vs. Lanni/Rose (Win 4-0)

Really love the deck right now but it might have some changes once TRtW release. My MVP all day was Stannis Baratheon, he is “THE MAN”

10 comentarios

GIBraag 32

Gratz! I’m sure Barnie will chime in soon enough, but to me the Hammer is better against Targ (especially the Targ/lion variety that can turn your Bodyguard into a traitor).

The reason is the +1 str can keep Mel/Stannis/LF out of Dracarys! range, and when you decide to pop it (again, watch out for those Lannisters) you can kneel a couple of dragons or even Dany to pave the way for the rest of your army.

GIBraag 32

Just to make sure: you won’t lose the Warhammer to Treachery (the sacrificing is part of the effect), but if your strategy was based on the effect going off, Treachery could still hurt.

GIBraag 32

And now I’ve been told Treachery doesn’t even prevent the Warhammer from going off - since you can just use the Reaction again. In this game, you learn something new every day… or minute. ;)

mrdav 127

@GIBraag You wont be able to use the Warhammer again because of the ‘one reaction per trigger rule’ @Yellowjacket Congrats! I know Barnie loves it but how did you find Hand’s Judgement?

Barnie25 227

Hands Judgements are the tits! F*** that Treachery and Tears. Control decks need counters people.

And yeah Warhammer is key against Targ, the strength boost is vital. Bodyguards are against Tears and Varys actually.

BillyDooku 110

Glad to see you’re having success with the deck!

SizemattersHS 14

Thanks guys. Now im gonna prepare to SC but it will be TRtW legal. I wonder will Bara Fealty still be good as it is right now, fingers cross

BillyDooku 110

Well in TRtW we get Royal Entourage wich I find is miles better then Vanguard Lancer. In the name of your king is a really defensive event and conflicts with Fealty so it might suit better a banner deck.

SizemattersHS 14

@BillyDooku Yeah i feel like adding Royal Entourage to replace Vanguard Lancer. In The Name Of The King most suitable with Banner of the Watch. I guessed TRtW will not change anything more for Bara Fealty

C3gorach 55

I plan to substitute the Vanguard Lancer for the obviously better Royal Entouraga, and for that reaspon, and cause Bara are weak in INT i will add 2 Little Bird and give it go! 3Con Robert would be good i think… :P