Wolfsrose - 3rd Place 2016 Store Championships

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Wolfsrose 0 0 0 2.0
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Wolfsrose 0 0 0 1.0

fenom 35

This deck went 3-1 at the Game Theory store championships in Raleigh, NC, placing 3rd in a field of 12.

My primary goal in building this deck was to use Lady Sansa’s Rose to its fullest potential given the current cardpool. It worked a lot better than I expected it to!

The Queen of Thorns and The Knight of Flowers are the real MVPs here. QoT basically removes the need for economy, so you can drop Pleasure Barge all day to dig for your big characters and events, while KoT rakes in power with renown and Lady Sansa’s Rose.

The biggest disappointment was Shadowblack Lane. I triggered it three times throughout the day and never once hit an event. In a future version, I think I’ll be switching it out for Olenna’s Cunning, as that is a much more reliable tutor. Other changes I’m considering are removing 1 Jousting Contest, as I rarely used both, and exchanging the Lady-in-Waitings for Bodyguard, though I do like the board presence LiW gives me on setup. Once The Kings Peace is released, this deck will obviously be getting Hedge Knight and Tourney for the King as well.

8 comentarios

KruppSteel 3

Was Lady useful? I have also included 1 copy, just not sure about it yet. Did it prove useful for your Stark characters?

fenom 35

@KruppSteelI found her pretty useful for a few late game challenges with Sansa Stark and the Tumblestone Knights. She’s nice to have around since Growing Strong can’t buff your characters. I wouldn’t run more than 1, though.

Katogamerguy 1

I’ll be trying this one out tonight.

Katogamerguy 1

Played and won with this one last night. I like this deck a lot. I did Swap out shadowblack for Olena. QOT is amazing when you can keep her in the fight. I was able to play Randyll and Kof off her ability.

SizemattersHS 14

Tested this deck last night against Lanni/Rose and it was awesome. I didn't expect QoT to bring in Randyll. It was really a close game. MVP was Sansa, I was at 14 power and 1 power left form the win. Declare challenge with Sansa, then use Highgarden on Sansa FTW!

SizemattersHS 14

@fenom Tested this deck again with the changes that you recommended and it works really well. I have to say, the setup for this deck is fantastic. My setup has been 4 cards almost every match

StubbsPKS 1

I cloned the deck and tried to make your changes, but thronesdb refuses to let me put in more than one Olenna's Cunning. It also won't let me put in more than 2 High Garden.

As far as I can tell, this isn't a deck building rule but a bug with ThronesDB.

StubbsPKS 1

Nope, I just had the site zoomed in without realizing. The page then cut off the box for adding those extra cards :-/

All user error