2/27/2016 Card Kingdom (Seattle, WA) SC Winner 6-1 , Lannist

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Inspiración para
3/12/2016 Dice Age Games (Vancouver, WA) SC Winner 4-0 Lanni 3 3 4 1.0
Lannister Crossing (2nd place Vancouver WA store champs) 5 5 1 1.0

Bluebird503 240

This is the deck I took to the Card Kingdom store championship on Saturday 2/27. I spent all Friday trying to figure out what I wanted to play. I knew I wanted to play Lannister, Targ, or Baratheon as my main house. Lannister was extremely strong prior, and just received The Mountain, who in the long run might not be amazing but in current card pool is very large and has renown. I was going to play Targ but I was convinced in the car to try out my Lord of the Crossing idea so this was built the morning of the tournament in the back seat of the car on the way to Seattle.

One of the reasons I was really interested in this deck was that it had the new Lord of the Crossing plot to help end games, lots of ways to deal with various cards, and lots of huge threats.

There isn't much to say about card choices. The second noble cause doesn't belong, I would play Calling the Banners instead but something else could work as well like Wardens of the West, Summons, Filthy, etc. I love counting coppers but I don't think the deck is rich enough to play two. No idea what is correct without trying out a few plots.

(Edit: The reason I prefer the $ plots is that I have lots of tricks/card advantage/etc, and I'm really just making sure that I can recover quickly after wildfire assault and cards don't get stranded in my hand. Games without Tywin could use the extra boost of gold to make sure you can play everything. I have a fairly heavy curve with some extra neutral 4 costers and 5 costers)

I liked having access to lots of neutrals and I liked having access to the Lord of the Crossing str boost and extra power so I'm likely to try a few more Lord of the Crossing decks in the future when I feel they are good.

(Edit, someone reminded me that it was 5 rounds swiss not 4, so I had a 6-1 record. My 1 loss was to Bara Fealty, I set up Tywin as my only card on mulligan and he controlled the game very well. He had a similar poor start in the finals, so we didn't really have a good match overall)

16 comentarios

chriswhite 1

I can't imagine why you'd play a second Noble Cause instead of Supporting the Faith. In conjunction with Brothel Madame, you can totally shut down military for your opponent. In conjunction with Tyrion, you can ensure that only you will be playing events during challenges. In the most dire straights, you can simply use it for protection against opposing Tears of Lys and Put To The Sword. And 2 Initiative is significantly better than 0.

scantrell24 3386

The problems with Supporting the Faith are the low reserve, and the prevalence of opposing Tyrions.

GIBraag 32

@chriswhiteAnd 4 Reserve is significantly worse than 6.

Whitetreeshaper 1

@chriswhitehe did mention he was changing A Noble Cause to Calling the Banners as well which helps a gold hungry deck. Might be too risky but Trading with the Pentoshi is also an option, albeit with crappy 5 reserve

Bluebird503 240

Supporting the Faith and Trading with Pentoshi don't really fit in imo. Supporting the Faith due to the reserve and Trading with Pentoshi due to the drawback. I didn't have too much trouble with opponents events and I don't think it would help that much.

6 reserve is important, you do end up with quite a few cards in your hand. I believe my friend Alex played a second summons in that slot in the Sunday store champ and won with this list as well, 7 reserve is a big help.

chriswhite 1

It's your deck, of course, and I have no dog on this fight, but I think that "It has 4 reserve" is a pretty lame objection and obviously so. You might similarly say that you shouldn't play with Counting Coppers because it only provides 2 Gold, or Noble Cause because it has 0 Initiative. Obviously every card is situational and has a failing. Sometimes these things will really matter and sometimes they won't. Luckily, your plots are not drawn randomly but selected on a situational basis. You won't be bumping up against that reserve every turn, and obviously shouldn't flip STF if you are likely to be holding 7 cards after Dominance. The bottom line is that (in addition to being one of the highest gold plots in the game) much of the time STF can completely shut down a Greyjoy or Targaryen deck for an entire round, and that can be game-winning. Discarding a card of your choice to meet reserve is very rarely game-losing.

For what it's worth, I run a similar deck but actually have exactly 0 of the same plots you do; my selection is almost entirely aggressive, whereas yours is basically entirely defensive. No doubt different play-styles push us in different directions. • Heads on Spikes • Supporting The Faith • Marched To The Wall • Naval Superiority • Wildfire Assault • A Game Of Thrones • Filthy Accusations

Jensen22 227

@chriswhite I don't see to many decks in the meta that will reliably be able to trigger a Put to the Sword against this deck. and with 3 The Hand's Judgment I think I would rather lure out their Put to the Sword just to cancel it rather than locking it in their hand. Same can be said for Dracarys!. This deck answers those events head on turn after turn by having better cards to play. Supporting the Faith answers those nasty events for one round only.

@Bluebird503 How were your setups throughout the day? That's the one thing that sticks out to me. I imagine 4 cards is great and 3 is the norm? The single inclusion of Hedge Knight seems weird to me, care to explain the singleton? I wish I could have made it out on Saturday it would have been fun getting to see you guys, unfortunately my son and I both got pretty sick mid week and thought it wise not to expose everyone to it. Hopefully I will get a chance to attend at least one of the 2 March SC's. Feels like I haven't gotten out to play at all this season...

GIBraag 32

@chriswhiteTbh I think you should be looking at his plot deck for improvements, not the other way around. I laughed when you called a plot deck with Supporting the Faith (which you yourself are vigorously recommending due to its defensive effect), A Game of Thrones, Filthy Accusations and Naval Superiority "almost entirely offensive".

So you're saying Supporting the Faith is a situational plot, but just how situational is it when it's the only card in your plot deck that gives you more than 4 gold? Just how do you expect to play your big dudes?

The statement that Supporting the Faith can "completely shut down a GJ or Targ deck for an entire round" baffles me as well. How so? If they aren't playing fealty (allowing Sow and Dracarys), then they'll just shrug and own you with the Dany and Drogo or Balon and Euron, since they could actually afford to play them.

Bluebird503 240


Definitely play style difference. Every deck I build basically has counting coppers, calm, confiscation, and noble cause. Let me defend The statement about reserve, I include lots of card draw in my deck, and I usually counting coppers early to mid game if I am ahead or even on the board. I really value having cards in my hand and so 4 reserve is bad for the way I play this deck. I want to be able to recover from a wildfire or varys or what not. The initiative on my plots isn't a big deal to me tbh.

Your plots do a lot more for you as far as abilities but have less gold in general so you will need to rely more on your plot abilities than me. Not a bad thing, just don't think that is direction I would go with current lannister card pool.


Set ups were ok. 3 is what I wanted/ was looking for. I had the one bad set up of just tywin that I lost with. The single inclusion of hedge was cause I need an extra character, I would probably add an extra one by cutting one widow's wail or something. The card is fine when it doesn't have boost but has some upside and is really nice when it has a power icon. You could play queens assassin in the slot if you wanted it might accomplish similar thing (small char with upside)

Bluebird503 240

I should also mention opposing brothel madames as a good reason to not run supporting, this deck wants to do a military challenge.

muushupork 1

I feel like casterly rock would work really well with crossing. Mind telling y no?

Bluebird503 240

It works well with crossing but I never felt like I needed to make two intrigue challenges. Would need to cut one of the highly impactful non character cards for it. If I had non-kneeling characters for Intrigue like 1.0 Cersei i would strongly consider it though so keep an eye out for cards like that.

chriswhite 1

@Bluebird503 Yeah, I'm a pretty aggressive player. I tend to see plots as a offensive tool to exploit certain board situations (e.g. Marched). In my experience, the nature of Intrigue (or HoS) is 'a strong (early) offense is a good defense'. But I'm glad to see you've done well with this one. A testament to the game's design that there are so many viable ways to win.

chriswhite 1

@GIBraag Um... I laughed when I read your comment and noticed all the things you missed....?

Firstly, there was no "vigorously recommending Supporting the Faith due to its defensive effect". I was recommending it as an alternative to a second copy of A Noble Cause, because STF actually does something that is situationally powerful while also providing similar or superior stats to ANC. That is to say, its inclusion would widen Bluebird503's tactical choices while not depriving him/her of any.

Second, yes, A Game Of Thrones is largely a defensive plot, as is (sometimes) Supporting The Faith. They defend me. Otherwise, the plots are used to cripple, shut down, or otherwise disrupt the opponent's ability to grow and defend. (In what strange land do you live where 5-6 of 7 is not "almost entirely" ?)

Thirdly, if you read my initial comment, you will notice that I was referring to STF's ability to shut down a Targ/GJ deck specifically in conjunction with Brothel Madame. I hope I don't have to explain why an inability to make military challenges hurts the good Khal.

And to address your question: I use economy cards (18 in my deck) to supplement 4 gold plots. I am fine with drawing Tywin in my opening hand and waiting until round 3 to play him if it allows me to get a couple good Intrigue challenges with Cersei. If you personally find yourself unable to play the characters you need without a plot that cedes every advantage to the opponent in return for pseudo-7 income, then I believe you should reexamine the construction of your deck. However, no doubt our playstyles are quite different. Again, it’s an asset to the design that there are multiple routes to victory even within a given faction. Bluebird and I both seem to be scoring some tournament wins, so I reckon we’re all doing just fine.

GIBraag 32

@chriswhiteI live in a very strange land indeed, one in which Filthy Accusations is sometimes used defensively (like, to kneel Bob, Dany or Tywin) and Naval is not considered a 100% aggressive plot as it seems to be in your land. With us, Naval is not just used to disrupt the opponent's ability to grow and defend, but also his ability to grow and attack.

In this weird land of mine, we also see a reserve of 4 as a downside. I admit my fellow countrymen and I are peculiar that way.

I'll stop this now - your initial tone rubbed me the wrong way; it felt like you were attacking the OP, who got a great result, and wanted to flaunt your superior deckbuilding skills, without being able to back it up with any result at all. In the end, if your deck works for you, then great.

xikitins 53

I have been trying this deck lately. I really like it. Some comments: Tywin in setup (or turn 1) is what you want. The games that tywin don't appear usually are difficult ones. The deck is so costly. I am thinking about putting the third Littlefinger as a "mini tywin", because that extra gold really matters, and with only 3 1 costers is much more easy to setup littlefinger than tywin.