Dragons Basking in the Sun - 1st Place Quarterstaff Games, B

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Dragons at the Beach: 1st Place, Southington, CT SC 3 2 8 1.0
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Ninguno todavía.

Zuvassin 118

This is the winning deck from today's 16 player Store Championship at Quarterstaff Games in Burlington, VT. This was the 9th and final SC I'd be attending this year, and I'm very happy to finally have a win under my belt. Thanks to everyone at the event today, the event was very well run and all of my opponents were great!

Rundown of today's matches below:

Round 1 - Geoff, Lannister Banner of the Rose Unfortunately my round one opponent is one of my local game mates, and he has been having lots of bad luck against recently, so not a great way to begin the day. I don't remember particular characters, but I managed to burn/poison several characters right away, and the game ended with a Dornish Paramour dragging Tywin Lannister in to a challenged to be burned after a Plaza. Win 1-0.

Round 2 - Michael, Targaryen Fealty He gets an early lead built up with Daenerys Targaryen and a couple dragons, while I see just spuds the entire game, and am unable to come up with any kind of meaningful presence. Loss 1-1.

Round 3 - Tony, Stark Fealty Setup sees my Nymeria Sand and some stuff against his Syrio Forel and spuds. I put Daenerys Targaryen out opposite his Catelyn Stark with Ice, and so begins the multiple turn struggle of Syrio giving to Catelyn, to then be promptly removed via Nymeria. Eventually, Syrio is removed from the board, and I close the game out with a fully fledged Standy Dany with Rhaegal, Seal of the Hand and Handmaiden. Win 2-1.

Round 4 - Tonya, Targaryen Banner of the Lion Unfortunate pairing number 2. This time against my fiance and primary testing partner, who is playing a deck that I originally built (seen here), which she used to win the 1st SC at Brap's Magic in Burlington a couple weeks before this. My kill-tech shows up hard and fast, with her Syrio Forel gaining a Crown of Gold in the first turn, along with Tyrion Lannister falling to Dracarys!. The game snowballs from there, allowing me to make the cut at 3rd place. Win 3-1.

Top 4 - Mark, Baratheon Banner of the Sun Unfortunate pairing number 3, against another of my regular opponents and theory crafting partners. Similar circumstances to the previous game lead to an early snowball (Robert Baratheon falling to Tears of Lys, and Melisandre being pulled via Dornish Paramour into a Dracarys!)

Finals - Harold, Lannister Lord of the Crossing The finals! This game was against the TO from the previous Burlington SC, whom I've had nothing but pleasant interactions with. He was playing a version of the Leaping Lions/BAMF deck, which I've heard a lot about, but didn't see in action until this game.

I set up an early Nymeria Sand and Khal Drogo against his Ser Jaime Lannister and The Tickler. Tywin Lannister jumps in and out of play a few times thanks to I Never Bet Against My Family and Hear Me Roar!, blocking some key challenges. Ser Gregor Clegane also enters play the old fashioned way, and promptly pillage kills a Daenerys Targaryen. I'm down at this point, with power roughly around 4-8. Thankfully, his board has been locked down with both Jaime and The Tickler being Attainted and Nymeria doing her thing. I'm able to launch off a series of unopposed and challenges, eventually getting up to 13 power vs his 12.

Going into plot 5, he has 1 card in hand (which I knew was The Hound from the previous turn), Ser Gregor Clegane with 1 power, Ser Jaime Lannister with 4 power and The Tickler. I have Khal Drogo, Syrio Forel and Nymeria Sand. I flip Wildfire Assault, allowing me to go first. I marshal a Rhaegal, he camps on 4 gold for The Hound. I lead with to try and bait out the ambush, which he doesn't bite, and I hit a Tywin Lannister that he had freshly drawn instead of The Hound. So, Nymeria Sand gains a icon, and joins Khal Drogo for an unstoppable to close the game.

The finals were a well played, hard fought game, exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks to everyone again!

2 comentarios

captainslow 1265

Nice job, Devin! Way to fight through that unlucky Gregor pillage in the finals...ouch.

WTGeoff 1

I'd like to comment that I scooped before you burnt Twyin.

Good job Devin