King of Winter

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Duke of Leon 1

King of Winter

I always felt that combining the best of House Stark with the best of the Night's Watch combined with the winter themed plots along with the Wildling cards would result in a powerful deck. I haven't had a chance to test it in a match because of work and graduate school but I would like to hear if anyone has had any success using it and their thought on it.

5 comentarios

Duke of Leon 1

Also, if anyone has any suggestions to improve it please let me know but only after you've used it a couple of times.

uolmo 1

With way more than 60 cards, you loos a lot of consistency, so your deck become really luck based. Did you pick only one of main characters from the core set because you only have one?

Duke of Leon 1

Yeah I have only one core set and one each of all the currently available chapter packs. All decks are luck based don't you think? Even the most perfectly made decks are still under the cruel mercy of the luck of the shuffle and draw.

uolmo 1

Most deck run 60 card. Crazy ones are 61. Yes there is luck in this game, but your point while making a deck is to limit it as much as possible. That's why players stick their deck to the limit. They also take three time the characters they really want. Bran, Arya, Greywind, Catelyn, are really good cards in Stark faction, so you will need copies of them to be sure to have it sometimes in your and, and be able to dup' them. If you only have one core set to play, do copies of them.

Stratix 1

You will find that players on here will be able to give good advice without needing to test your deck and I'm afraid yours isn't one that people are going to try.

As has already been said, you want to keep your card count as low as possible, to increase your chances of seeing your best characters, especially when a lot of yours are one ofs. Consider which cards you will want to see when you draw; you have a lot of events, locations and attachments which are situational and expensive and will probably end up as dead draws, clogging your hand.

Your plots do not have enough gold on them, so you will seriously struggle to marshal your biggest characters. Wraiths in Their Midst is also not a fantastic plot, so I would recommend switching this out for something else. The First Snow of Winter would result in you picking up half of your characters, and then you won't have the gold to put them back down again. Summons could help you find someone you are looking for, and A Noble Cause could help you bring them in (although admittedly Night's Watch has very few lords and ladies).

You have lots of military and power icons, but very little intrigue, so a Noble Lineage and Syrio's Training won't have many targets. Switch them out for Little Bird instead to cover your weaknesses.

For locations you will want to have The Roseroad and The Kingsroad to give you the gold you need to marshal your best characters and make up for low gold plots. Most decks these days run three of each.

Due to your gold issue, you probably won't be able to play many events, so you'll probably want to ditch half of these. Think about what you want your deck to do, and pick events that complement this most.

Unfortunately, regardless of any changes you make, it's almost impossible to make a tournament level deck with a single core set. Instead I would suggest making a couple of 40 card decks that ignore loyalty rules to battle each other, to get the hang of the game. Before you invest any more money in expansions, get yourself another core set, preferably two, it opens up a lot of options. Make some of the store championship winning decks on here, get an idea of the cards they use and how they play, it will really help you.