Stark Sacrifice Deck

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Stark Sacrifice Deck V2 0 0 0 2.0

chazz 3

My first attempt at a Stark deck, any feedback welcome. Currently feels light on for events and like it's trying to achieve too kuchen with its many 1xCharacters. Keen to build around and support the sacrifice mechanic.

4 comentarios

Esmo 69

Economy looks very light. Winterfell is brilliant, would up to 2x. I guess there's enough bodies to sac. Milk on fatcat might not be end of the world with so many renowns around, but still hurts. LWRs look iffy with so few wolves around, but wolf plot helps with that.

ingsve 41

I would have made room for more Summers. Since you are sacrificing characters it's good to get them back as well and you can always sac Summer if you need to play another one.

siralex 1

as @ingsvesays, add Summer and maybe even one or two more Direwolfs since you're playing Like Warm Rain. You're gonna want a wolf or two out, that will also boost Winterfell Kennel Master. I think Seal of the Hand is a bit much since you have Robb to stand every char. Him along with Jon and Grey Wind you're covered on the standing front. I would rather put in Bodyguard to provide more cover for the big guns, or more copies of Jory.

No1Sciguy 1

2x Jory. Take out 2x seal and add 2x little bird instead. I would use core cat too. She has a great abillity and doesn't cost as much. I would also have 2x summer over 2x greywind. You definitely need 3x kingsroad and 3x rosewood. I would dump 1x frozen sold and lose the As hard as winter too.