Robert's Reign

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Robert’s Reign
Baratheon strength with Lannister money allows you to pull of some excellent tricks. Mixing the strengths of both houses keeps the pressure on your opponent, with three major focuses:

  1. You’ll be kneeling their characters often
  2. Losing dominance can quickly get out of hand for them
  3. You have the income to afford plan disrupting events and ambushes

The current plot set gives you a number of opening moves. None of the plots drop below 4 gold, so you should always have a steady amount of coin, and this can only improve with the multiple econ options in this deck.

You can start with A Noble Cause to drop an early key character such as Melisandre or Tyrion Lannister. Calm Over Westeros offers early protection and good income. If you manage to draw The Iron Throne early, A Feast for Crows is a great way to score some quick points. Even Filthy Accusations isn’t the worst choice, but you should probably be holding on to those for after they’ve dropped their key characters.

Plot Changes
Confiscation was added to the deck after playtesting. The original version relied upon Maester Cressen, but guaranteed attachment hate was required. Wildfire Assault replaced Heads on Spikes: Heads offered a free Attack with a potential power boost on kill, but I needed the guaranteed kills from Wildfire.

House Baratheon
House Baratheon is very straightforward house, and we all know the tricks by now: You want to keep their heavy hitters or key defenders knelt with R’Hollor support, and gain a good lead through dominance and Chamber of the Painted Table. Robert Baratheon is already a strong card, and is a powerhouse with Lightbringer.

Ser Davos Seaworth was given a duplicate to draw some stealth faster, and Stannis Baratheon was also brought to 2x to make sure opponents stay knelt. King’s Hunting Party proved more useful than I thought- that 6 STR was nothing to scoff at, so I’ve increased them as well.

Banner to the Lion
While simply playing Baratheon telegraphs your strategy, Lannister financial support allows you to make it a little more interesting. Tyrion Lannister and Lannisport Moneylenders provide extra coin to fund events on top of an already strong plot income. Sneaking out an Ours is the Fury, which can be difficult normally at 2 Gold, is nothing with the extra coin from the Lannisters, and your opponent always needs to account for the possibility of ambushing Gold Cloaks. Since you’re already aiming to win dominance for power stealing, The Tickler makes losing even more painful for your opponent.

Now, with Widlfire in the deck, Joffrey Baratheoncould potentially see some large swings in power, so he’s been given a duplicate.

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