Stark Fealty 4-0-1 Hamilton Regional ON.

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Kidohearts I did it for you (6-0) (1 mod) Mississippi Region 14 7 10 1.0
Inspiración para
Stark Fealty Winterfell 1 0 0 2.0

Banjo 97

The deck I took to the top of Swiss and then proceeded to lose first round of the cut. Shamelessly stolen from kidohearts, who has found a great balance within Stark to rush for power and control the other players effects. The deck almost plays itself it seems but after a long day of thronesin player skill definitely helps win. The minor changes to kidos deck was basically adding in core sansa and septa mordane as well as more Ice and Less bodyguards (which I believed he mentioned in another post about his deck). But I felt Syrio needed to be there. He works too well with Catelyn and stealth on eddard with ice is just so juicy. I felt I never needed the pack survives, Either my opponent just didn't draw into there events or I canceled them with winterfell OR they were too afraid of Bran + Robb. Most of my games started off slowly until i got Winterfell out and all my renown characters, playing safe and conscious of my opponents events and triggered abilities. I only saw Mirri Once and tywin Twice in all my games (Feels good to Ice Tywin). As well as an Ice on Gregor stealthing past him with Edd and syrio.

I feel Milk is a must in this meta of big characters that have claim effects, if you dont see Winterfell you need something else to deal with them. I really liked Building orders and Summons in this deck you can almsot always find the answer you are looking for. Multiple times I would building orders when they confiscated a poppy just to grab another one.

I made some immediate changes after the tourney dropping the pack survives and rickon and shaggy dog as I felt they weren't too impactfull and were really only there to help setups and use pack survives. I wanted more sansa septa and luwin because I felt the intrigue was super light in this deck (which is fine for what the deck does) and the consequences of that was having no hand. I may even add another Jon Snow, At first this card stuck out like a sore thumb to me, but after seeing how good he works in conjunction with rob hes almost as important as robb himself. In almost all my games he was intrigued out of my hand whenever i got him.

Anyways at the end of the day I just wanted my delicious playmat but coming top of Swiss was icing on the cake. Thanks again to kidoherats to figuring out Stark and making a superb deck.

2 comentarios

kidohearts 1269

congrats man and well done. thanks for the plug, lol

Pao 24

Yeah it was a loss to my try hard Lanni Dragon that did this in. Though to be fair I mind gamed him into committing too much in the final plot to a power challenge and him forgetting Jorah had renown. :P

In the end though I was impressed by it. Certainly it's very daunting to sit across from a huge Stark board and ALSO have no reset in my plot deck. Stark loves big boards to mess with challenge math and that was apparent with this. I do agree Syrio is a great addition to utility, more so than the Wolves of the North which I have a soft spot for (dat art!).

Seeing this deck be piloted by a great player in the tournament and by others makes me happy that someone found a good note for Stark (at least for now). And the Winterfell/Catlyn lockdown is real! I sat across from this with a bunch of removal and no way to get it off. With Bran out it makes it even worse. This is the kind of deck that you have to get on top of early or it will never happen and you just have to win the old fashioned way. Great showing by the player and our game was a pretty epic Stark-Lanni face off.