Greyjoy Dragon: Double Kill

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
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Greyjoy Dragon: Double Kill 3 1 3 1.0
Inspiración para
Greyjoy Dragon: Double Kill 0 0 2 3.0

scantrell24 3334

It's good, not consistent enough to be great. Plots are a work in progress. Built to beat Stark and Martell mostly. Check out the deck in action on my youtube channel. :)

3 comentarios

cockbongo 1

Crazy that you didn't draw a single Seastone Chair or one Raiding Longship in that game :)

mplain 237

Pyke and Shierak Qiya going right in here I suppose?

scantrell24 3334

@cockbongo it happens. I probably should have mulliganed the setup, because that iron mines did nothing all game.

@mplainyeah, I'll certainly give them a shot