New deck: House Tyrell/Stark Knight and Lady Defensive Deck

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Lord Tarlcaster 2


I tried a new line for a casual Deck (eventually tournament why not, I can dream). I'm not really sure of it's effectiveness... I try to kneel a card of my ennemie's with Highgarden and Filthy Accusations, I have a relative lot of gold (No king of summer yes, thank to Stark, but I need more Lady and Bran Stark). But a set up no "optimal" in first time...generally...

The Basic Combo / Lady Sansa's Rose + Superior Claim + A Tourney for the King + Street of the Sisters

I have a combo with Redwin house and the Arbor Knight...and a combo with Lady and Horas + Margeary / Sansa and Lady gadget's. I think it is possible to win a lot of relatively quickly, but the Lannister killer etc...I'm scared, I need lot of gold to counter kill event etc. And I have no place for Bodyguard and Lady-in-Waiting...

I need your opinion, please...

3 comentarios

HidaHayabusa 73

I'd drop 1 Lady's Sansa Rose, 1 Knighted and 1 Street of Sisters for 3 Pleasure Barges. Too good to pass on a 3 card draw without immediate drawback. Also whenever I build a Tyrell deck, I always have a soft spot for 3 Gift of Arbor Red.

Lord Tarlcaster 2

Hmmm, Gift of arbor Red, not bad for this deck yes. But pleasure Barge spend 1 gold each turn. Thanks HidaHayabusa ;)

HidaHayabusa 73

That's why you'll need Arbor. Plus, since you are trying to rush it, a 3 cards draw at marshalling is MOST of the times all you need. Part of the reason why, Summer decks with Tourney for the kings are much more popular.