
Simulador de robo
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mikerebby 259

Pretty standard fare for Targ/Lannister.

Dracarys!, Tears of Lys, and Plaza of Punishment are the money cards. Plenty of big body characters to stay ahead and 2x A Noble Cause to ensure you can get them out as you draw them.

Daenerys Targaryen and Unsullied will help bring your opponent's bigger characters into kill range for Dracarys or Plaza.

All of the characters synergize really well with one another. The best combinations tend to be Daenerys Targaryen and her dragons to support, Ser Jaime Lannister and Khal Drogo, and Tyrion Lannister with Magister Illyrio.

Rebuilding let's you cycle your Dracarys! back into your deck mid-to-late game (or grab other stuff you'd like back). The Winds of Winter can tear things up once you've established control over the board.

1 comentario

omgitsblake 189

Would you consider throwing in a singleton Joffrey based on the amount of killing this deck will be doing?