Summertime of House Baratheon

Simulador de robo
Probabilidades: 0% – 0% – 0% más
Derivado de
Baratheon Kneel/Dominance Deck 1 1 0 4.0
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Animal 54

King Robert's Warhammer is interchangeable with Milk of the Poppy. Support of the People is interchangeable with Nightmares.

Just want to test out a few different ideas with this build.

Comments welcome.

2 comentarios

Samurai7 1

How has the warhammer been so far?

Animal 54

It certainly doesn't compare to Milk of the Poppy but it's interesting. It rewards aggressive play but takes a bit to set-up, (need an attacking dude with a winning challenge), ideally on a big guy. I'm considering adding Streets of Steel and some other plots that let me go first.