King of Swiss ( 5-0 ) Battle of the Trident Milan & Top 4 SC

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Bara Summer - Winner local tournament 6 2 13 1.0
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Ninguno todavía.

Lawyer 426


Not many changes from the last version, played for the Battle of the Trident in Milano with 25 players, 5 rounds of Swiss and Top 4

"Robert won the tourney of the Trident. He overthrew Prince Rhaegar and named me his queen of love and beauty" - Cersei Lannister

-1 A Song of Summer / +1 Time of Plenty: Great plot for income, give to you the same gold of Song of Summer + KOS and seven gold in combo with the angenda + extra draw. Alternative opening instead of Calm over Westeros if you have a good setup. The song of summer +1 STR It is not decisive, and is easily blocked by any winter plot

-1 Chamber of the Painted Table: Down to 60 cards, this card is great but many times I found myself in the situation of not being able to play it to hold the board. Personal choice

1) Greyjoy Winter (W)

2) Targaryen banner of the Lion (W)

3) Targaryen Fealty (W)

4) Martell Fealty (W)

5) Lannister banner of the sun (W)

Top 4 Lannister Fealty (L) aaargggg huge mistake!

After a lot of time i decide to bring this deck again in SC a torunament. i Make the cut in a really hard tournament for controll decks, with a lot of Lannister Crossing ( Casterly Rock, Cersei Lannister (LoCR), Heads on Spikes + Tyrion's Chain Rush ) And Tyrell Crossing.

After winning against NW fealty and Stark Feakty, i've lost brutally from Lannister Crossing, and a really closed and exciting game against the Tyrell Crossing that won the torunament with 6-0 to 15-13 after i arrived to 14 powers. Then i've lost again to this deck, in semifinal.

Bad times for control decks, then i'm really satisfied of this result

Changes from last version:

-2 Stinking Drunk + 2 Bodyguard

-1 Tourney Grounds +1 Chamber of the Painted Table

-1 Bastard in Hiding + 1 Edric Storm

+1 Stannis Baratheon (Core)

4 comentarios

martin87 1

Hello, as he adjusted the deck after Valar?

Lawyer 426

@martin87 I'm not playing this deck right now, but i've found room for two Bodyguard. IMHO Bara Summer still again a good deck, but suffer the impact of Valar since is a really slow deck

martin87 1

@LawyerThank you for answer. What 2 card replaced?

Lawyer 426

@martin87 instead of Stinking Drunk :)