Ladies and Dragonmen

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Dragons and Ladies 2 1 5 1.0
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mattgrosso 44

I net decked this the other day and have had a couple of games with it now online. It's been pretty fun. I've had good luck getting the dragons out but really very little luck seeing Daenerys.

I'm making a few changes:

I'm losing Street of Silk and Rickon in favor of two copies of Isle of Ravens because that way I can churn through my Dracarys! more often. In the couple of games I've had I've had really good luck seeing Drac but if I could keep putting them back in my deck it will add a ton of stress to my opponent whenever I hold onto 1 gold.

I also added Summons because I need to see Danni more consistently. I didn't like doing it but, for now, I removed my copy of Close Call. We'll see if I regret that later. I might also consider adding Counting Coppers instead because it's a bit more versatile. We'll see.

3 comentarios

Itachi 1

Aren´t the Winterfell Stewards and Bran more of a liability when running Blood of the Dragon? I like the wolf banner in general, but it seems to me that a Targ-Fealty version of your deck would be a straightforward upgrade.

Space8es 1

Itachi is right, Blood of the Dragon will probably backfire to often. Also I think core Arya is just too good to ignore. Last thing: i usually run just 1 copy of Drogon, gives you some room ;)

mattgrosso 44

@Itachi So, I actually like the interaction you are talking about. If I have Arya and a chud on the board and my opponent has a 4 strength character (read Nymeria) I can Blood of the Dragon to point and click kill in the plot phase.

I agree that losing Bran might be a bummer but I get to decide when BotD gets played so I think I can avoid problems too often.

@Space8es Maybe I could get away with fewer dupes of dragons but, for now, I really like seeing them. Just one dragon standing on the board and a gold in my pool makes my opponent's math so much harder.