House Greyjoy/Fealty: The Drowned God Dominates!

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Trebge68 97

My attempt at building a Greyjoy around the 'Drowned God'-theme, just for nedly purposes.

The Priest of the Drowned God and the Drowned Men and the Drowned God's Blessing can make for some nice interactions. The blessing also saves someone from stuff like Dracarys! or Put to the Sword. The Iron Throne + Aeron Damphair (Core) can make most of your characters come back to life, if 'the stars align' of course..

However, after playing 15-20 games with this deck I found that the times I won, was when I had my Raiding Longship x2 out + Pyke.

So, I thought it was nice deck to play around with. But ultimately, the 'Drowned God' thing isn't strong enough (yet) to completely stand on its own, compared all the unopposed stuff Greyjoy already has.

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