Game Kastle Mountain View SC winner

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mageofdancingdragons 59

5-1 on the day. Only loss was to my friend I drove to the event with piloting the 60 card mirror (I had Weymar Royce over Halder). This was a meta call against other wall decks, as we cut loyal cards that are pretty useless in the mirror for Tywin and Ocean Road. Probably unnecessary to say, but Tywin wins games.

Lessons from each round: Round 1: Mirror against my friend and collaborator on the deck. Tied dominance on turn 2 because I knelt a Steward at the Wall while The Wall was out instead of spending gold to win dom. Regretted it later when the score was 14-14 =p. Dominance is the second most important way to break the mirror (the most important is successful power challenges).

Round 2: vs. Targ Banner Lion. My opponent didn't use Put to the Sword on Tywin. I should have played around Put to the Sword on Tywin better.

Round 3: vs. Night's Watch Fealty. Broke open the mirror match by never attacking outside of power challenges. A non-milked Tywin lasted several turns too long and gave me a good economic advantage which I utilized with the double counting coppers. Nightmares on The Wall one turn as well as a turn one wall vs. my opponent's turn 2 wall helped keep me squarely ahead the whole game.

Round 4: vs. Tyrell banner Sun: Kept a large board presence with significant characters of all icons. My opponent was doing knights and lady synergies. I just kept enough blockers around to deal with challenges from attacking alone to LSR only got off once. Tywin stayed in play most of the game to help with econ.

Top 4: vs. Lanni Rains: Not sure how I won this one honestly. Stayed cool and kept on defending a turn 2 wall (yeah, seriously, just mulligan for it along with using Building orders for it whenever you can). Opening on Here to Serve kept opponent to 5 gold on turn 1, which helped greatly here and in the finals. Ser Waymar Royce and Castle Black along with some intrigue icons helped to defend the wall for 2 straight turns. Also, my opponent never got an opportunity to trigger "The Rains of Castamere".

Finals: vs. Targaryen Fealty: Aemon died turn 1 :( After that we just both built up huge boards. My opponent missed a beggar king trigger that probably cost him the game. There's video of this one, but generally I just minimized the power my opponent could get each turn, and I generally got 3 each turn between Wall and dominance. There was a lot of careful math, don't be afraid to do math.

4 comentarios

charlie 9

I like the concept of a NW deck, banner of the Tywin. Well played man ! :)

uBaH 139

Why was Widow's Wail cut from the deck? You can Attach it on all Characters.

Aertyr 1

@uBaH Most NW characters have no attachments

mageofdancingdragons 59

@Aertyr Most Nw characters have no attachments except Weapon. @uBaH honestly, it should be in the deck over a practice blade. It never was in the deck, it never got cut.