This is why my friends hate me 3.0

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This is why my friends hate me 2.0 1 0 5 1.0
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This is why my friends hate me 4.0 0 0 0 1.0

Dystopian Dude 3

Modification from 2.0 with Fall of Astapor.


3 comentarios

Cyggie 2

Have you played any games against Targ or other aggro decks? Just looking for some strategy tips on how to deal with them.

Elkerlyc 1

I wonder how this fares vs NW. All your attachments rendered useless instantly... (well; almost. You know what I mean)

Dystopian Dude 3

Cyggie. This deck can control the board effectively against decks like your asking about. The plot deck is mean. Icon control, Valor, First Snow, and 2x March is hard to maintain a board presence. Eventually you lean on chuds to win challenges.

Ekkerlyc. You're exactly right. It's a bad match up. However, a well timed Valor or First Snow can do wonders.