Frozen Memories

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SenescentOcelot 71

After building this I realized how much fun micro-managing 1 and 2 Cost Strength cards was.

One of the draws to is how cheap the cards are. This deck capitalizes on some the careful manipulation of power generation through death and sacrifice.

There is a cool Good Cop / Bad Cop routine with Catelyn Stark (WotN) and Sansa Stark (Core). Sansa is good for baiting into losing an intrigue challenge (to fire off Like Warm Rain) or for getting a or char to kneel to make room for other challenges to get thru. You can use Ladyto help stand her if need be to get power, or wait for standing phase to do it.

Meanwhile, Cat becomes the targeted aggressor. Saving her is important, but not crucial to winning. Early game, she's a prime candidate for Marched to the Wall, as she can be pulled back into your hand via Jeyne Poole, or replayed with subsequent draw. Also it's a great way to get out of Milk of the Poppy, or other negative attachments.

Once stable, all other cards are meant to manipulate Catelyn or further boost her. Jory Cassel is a huge player here, as he can both sacrifice for either Cat or Sansa, buffing both. Duping him is not recommended as you can simply marshall him again for another power. Likewise, House Tully Septon allows you to take gained power off either Sansa or Cat, and turn it into a 2 cost savings on Riverrun Minstrel, which regains the power, essentially a free reducer.

Direwolf Pup is strictly for triggering Like Warm Rain when you lose, and with all the attachments, you can customize your placements accordingly with Unexpected Delay.

The MVP of the deck is easily the agenda Kings of Winter, as it severely slows your opponent down, and keeps most 7 cost characters at bay. Coupled with the amount of reduction in the deck on top of locations, (Donella Hornwood, Winterfell Steward) you can constantly replenish for almost free. With your opponent scrambling to marshal his main characters, you can focus entirely on playing your situational combos ad lib. Watching people curse not having gold, or being forced to discard cards due to Wraiths in Their Midst is an added bonus.

In a melee game, this is equally fun, but exposes you early to get ganged up on, so the slow play is very important. Cat should be out by turn 2 or 3 before characters start dying regularly, and don't be afraid to use her as a decoy while you shore up the rest of your characters.

Have fun watching opponents Freeze!

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blp 1

Sansa Stark (WotN) isn't a Tully character.