New deck: House Martell
InesR91 1
Standard v1.12 | Justa | Contienda | ||
Valyrian v1.0 | Justa | Contienda |
New deck: House MartellInesR91 1
martell shadowgaelm 1
Vipers in the Citydoimeadios 39
Newcomer Martell Deck (Icon Erasing)Makss 1
Martell KotHHJCSpeed1974 25
Never Let Your Guard Down Against a SnakeFabri501 13
DC March Trip: The Secret Pact (Dany+Quentyn)Spangler 15
Martell vs SoB - The White WalkersReader 298
Greyjoy Sun Meleescantrell24 3398
The Wall between Dorne and QohorMetch 14
官人我要alamjoy 27
官人我要alamjoy 27
官人我要alamjoy 27
attackadam_geek 467
Trash deckadam_geek 467