60 cartas

Nombre Facción Coste Tipo FUE Rasgos Capítulo
Selyse Baratheon House Baratheon 4 Character 3 House Florent. Lady. Queen. R'hllor. Redesigns 1
Victarion Greyjoy House Greyjoy 7 Character 7 Captain. Ironborn. Lord. Redesigns 2
Euron Crow's Eye House Greyjoy 6 Character 4 Captain. Ironborn. Lord. Raider. Redesigns 3
Nighttime Marauders House Greyjoy 4 Character 3 Raider. Redesigns 4
Drowned Disciple House Greyjoy 3 Character 3 Drowned God. Redesigns 5
Drowned God Fanatic House Greyjoy 3 Character 2 Drowned God. Redesigns 6
Raider from Pyke House Greyjoy 2 Character 2 Raider. Redesigns 7
Iron Mines House Greyjoy 1 Location Iron Islands. Redesigns 8
We Take Westeros! House Greyjoy Plot War. Redesigns 9
Taena Merryweather House Lannister 3 Character 2 Companion. Lady. Redesigns 10
The Red Keep House Lannister 4 Location King's Landing. Redesigns 11
Desert Raider House Martell 2 Character 2 Ally. House Dayne. Raider. Redesigns 12
Dorne House Martell 4 Location Dorne. Redesigns 13
Doran's Game House Martell 1 Event Redesigns 14
A Mission in Essos House Martell - Event Redesigns 15
Yoren The Night's Watch 6 Character 3 Wandering Crow. Redesigns 16
Clydas The Night's Watch 4 Character 3 Steward. Redesigns 17
Halder The Night's Watch 3 Character 2 Builder. Redesigns 18
Three-Finger Hobb The Night's Watch 2 Character 1 Steward. Redesigns 19
Abandoned Stronghold The Night's Watch 2 Location Stronghold. The North. Redesigns 20
Bound for the Wall The Night's Watch 2 Event Redesigns 21
Wyman Manderly House Stark 6 Character 5 House Manderly. Lord. Redesigns 22
Meera Reed House Stark 2 Character 1 House Reed. Lady. Redesigns 23
Bear Island Scout House Stark 2 Character 1 House Mormont. Redesigns 24
Skagos House Stark 2 Location The North. Redesigns 25
Ward House Stark 4 Attachment Condition. Redesigns 26
I Am No One House Stark 1 Event Redesigns 27
Daenerys Targaryen House Targaryen 8 Character 5 Lady. Queen. Stormborn. Redesigns 28
Drogon House Targaryen 6 Character 6 Dragon. Redesigns 29
Hizdahr zo Loraq House Targaryen 6 Character 4 King. Redesigns 30
Qotho House Targaryen 5 Character 5 Bloodrider. Dothraki. Redesigns 31
Womb of the World House Targaryen 4 Location Essos. Redesigns 32
Meereen House Targaryen 3 Location Contested. Meereen. Redesigns 33
Crown of Gold House Targaryen 4 Attachment Item. Redesigns 34
Gifts for the Widow House Targaryen X Event Redesigns 35
Mace Tyrell House Tyrell 7 Character 5 Lord. Redesigns 36
The Queen's Retinue House Tyrell 4 Character 4 Ally. Companion. Redesigns 37
Oldtown Informer House Tyrell 2 Character 2 Ally. Spy. Redesigns 38
Unexpected Guile House Tyrell 2 Attachment Skill. Redesigns 39
All Men Are Fools House Tyrell 0 Event Redesigns 40
To the Rose Banner! House Tyrell 0 Event Redesigns 41
Flea Bottom Neutral 1 Location King's Landing. Redesigns 42
The Iron Bank Neutral 1 Location Braavos. Redesigns 43
Great Hall Neutral 1 Location Westeros. Redesigns 44
"The Dornishman's Wife" Neutral 1 Event Song. Redesigns 45
Bribery Neutral X Event Redesigns 46
The Dragon's Tail Neutral 0 Event Omen. Redesigns 47
Kingdom of Shadows Neutral Agenda Redesigns 48
Sea of Blood Neutral Agenda Prophecy. Redesigns 49
The Free Folk Neutral Agenda Redesigns 50
The Wars To Come Neutral Agenda Omen. Redesigns 51
Valyrian Steel Neutral Agenda Redesigns 52
Breaking Ties Neutral Plot House Frey. Scheme. Redesigns 53
Forced March Neutral Plot Edict. War. Redesigns 54
Littlefinger's Meddling Neutral Plot Kingdom. Scheme. Redesigns 55
At the Palace of Sorrows Neutral Plot Omen. Redesigns 56
Return to the Fields Neutral Plot Edict. Redesigns 57
The Annals of Castle Black Neutral Plot Legacy. Redesigns 58
The King in the North Neutral Plot Kingdom. Redesigns 59
Trade Routes Neutral Plot Kingdom. Summer. Redesigns 60

60 cartas