Fire and Love pumping through my veins

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holytispon 64

This deck placed top 9 in the OCTGN tournament league of winter 2016. I went 6-2 (including one win by default) playing this deck (with minor tweaks). All these games were before the release of RtW and was eliminated after the new pack was included and I made some major changes to the deck.

The deck was designed to deal with Baratheon Kneel but I never faced one in the tournament. I faced two Targs and Three lannister, NW-wolf and Martell-Lion and a Greyjoy-Lion. In general, Lannister seems to be the toughest match-up - if Tywin Lannister is on the board, it's really hard to get read of him and Ser Jaime Lannister can also give you problem. In general, Lannister has too many good characters and too many of them has high strength for Dracarys! to be effective. An aggressive Targ/Stark/Greyjoy can also give you some problem if it gets going too quickly.

The main reason for Banner of the Sun is the synergy of Dracarys! and Dornish Paramour - the paramour is particularly useful in the mirror match-up against Targ. I burnt many a-dany that way, and also Melisandre who doesn't like to participate in challenges. Confinement is useful to make Tears of Lys work against a wider array of targets and it's useful on small chuds that force your opponent to use in challenges the characters you want to burn. Bastard Daughter is fantastic card - often makes it useful to use wildfire assault and let a couple of them die while you also reduce the opponent's board.

A few other card choices: Syrio's Training is there mostly for the paramour, as it helps burn chars like Robb Stark and Asha Greyjoy, but it's also useful on Daenerys Targaryen and even, in a pinch, Magister Illyrio. Wildling Horde is an very efficient card and somewhat underrated. 5 gold for what is usually a 7 STR card is hard to find and you can have two of them. The only reason not to use this card is if you're using anything that requires kneeling your faction card often, like The Seastone Chair. Rebuilding works really well to keep up the tension around the Dracarys! mind game. The extra gold is helpful because I tend to save 1 gold for challenges whether or not I have Dracarys!. I find that some people would try to draw your dracarys by sacrificing a Tyrion Lannister or Theon Greyjoy. I burn them, and burn some more, and then use rebuilding to bring back the tension. I've burnt 5 characters in the same game and one turn I used 2 copies of Dracarys!, used rebuilding, and drew one copy again immediately. My opponent tried to expose my bluff and Tyrion Lannister got burnt...

Without Drogo's renown it's sometimes hard to get enough power quickly when you're ahead. I have only one copy of Street of the Sisters but two copies of Support of the People, which means you effectively have three sisters. In case you topdeck the sisters, you can use support to get the plaza for a surprise burn. The deck really works around winning power challenges, and support makes them efficient even early in the game.

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